C3PO Involved in Steroid Scandal

C3PO, the nebbish android from the’ Star Wars’ films, was recently arrested as well as charged with possession of a controlled substance, namely anabolic steroids. C3PO claims that he never supposed to deal or discuss these steroids along with other droids. “I just did not wish to be typecast as a wimp for the remainder of my acting career” he mentioned to theLEEK.net in an exclusive interview, “I desperately must change the image” of mine.cbd oil capsules for sale

After that he added: “I have always wanted to participate in cool movies, such as’ HellBot’,’ RoboChop’ or’ Undercover Droid Brother’, though the one parts I was available were portraying spineless characters with an irritating accent, in movies like’ SpongeBot’,’ Superficial Intelligence’ and’ RoboFlop'”.

No distinct was his the latest, futile attempt to audition like a Greek soldier for the Movie’ RoboTroy’. “They claimed they desired a Zeus, not much of a wuss”, says C3PO bitterly.

“The last straw was an offer to star in’ Revenge of the Nerds XII – Android Edition’ ” exclaims C3PO – “This happens when I chose to sign up for an exercise club for in shape”. Albeit the program has proven difficult: “After the damage caused to a gym by the robot from’ Terminator’, no club would settle for androids” he reveals.

“That left me no alternative but to use an unique blend of steroids and Iron” admits C3PO. After 3 months, the outcome was remarkable, as can be seen in this recent image, cbd oil charlottes web; https://www.kitsapdailynews.com, as well as warranted him a key role in the upcoming’ Terminator IV’ movie.

But other androids suspected foul play.best cbd oil europe “That R2D2 and his big mouth” grumbles C3PO, “He must tell everybody. He even started calling me’ The Steroid Android’. I have just had about enough of this particular chubby piece of metal!”

Other robots vigorously refute any involvement in the steroid scandal.

Information, the android from’ Star Trek Generations’ released the following statement: “I am designed to exceed human capability, both mentally and physically. I don’t need to administer steroids to facilitate operation within my identified parameters”.

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