Dangers of Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis

Drugged driving – a phrase commonly used when the substance utilized before “driving underneath the influence” or just DUI (of both alcoholic beverages and an addictive drug) is a drug rather compared to alcohol – is a key problem world over. DUI and drugged driving kill a huge number of people worldwide each year. In the United States, nonetheless, prevalence of alcohol use is linked with higher morbidity due to motor vehicle crashes, lots of street crashes also include drivers that test positive for cannabis along with other intoxicants. Drugs like marijuana has got the potential to acutely impair driving abilities, triggering sad motor vehicle crashes and harsh authorized penalties.

relief body oilsA recent report titled “drug-impaired driving,” produced by the Governors Highway Safety Association and also the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility discovered the fatally injured drivers who had been evaluated in 2015 showed more positive drug tests than the presence of alcohol. Considering the legalization of recreational marijuana in a number of American states, there continues to be a brand new safety challenge among drivers on the nation’s roads.

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Impaired driving is not a new concern. Incidents of deadly accidents and road rage caused due to impaired driving continue making headlines, although the numbers seem to have gone up in the recent years. While many of the campaigns to create understanding about dangers of impaired driving are based on alcoholic beverages, not a good deal has been done to curb the destructive consequences of drugged driving.

Nonetheless, marijuana is reportedly one of the most widely found illegal drugs in the blood of the drivers involved in street crashes and fatalities. Based on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), marijuana is a common drug smoked by the age group which faces the most road traffic accidents. “In comparison, the percentage of road traffic crashes in which one driver tested positive for marijuana ranges from six percent to 32 percent,” observed the report.

Presence of marijuana in the blood is generally analyzed by measuring the level of delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an ingredient that leads to mind-altering effects. There occurs a quick spike of THC concentration in the blood each time a user smokes marijuana. Nevertheless, the level declines gradually as the medication gets distributed to various other tissues, including the human brain. Research studies have shown that the evidence of cannabis use continues to be present long time after its effects have diminished, particularly in people who are regular users or consume in huge quantities.

Of late, the usage of prescription drugs as well as marijuana is now more and more visible among teen drivers. Based on the NCBI report, “peak initiation is at age 18, plus 10 years further along, 8 percent of consumers are marijuana dependent.” Factors like improved and easy accessibility, prevalent social tolerance, and also earlier age of beginning of use played a great role is now surged marijuana use. Thus, with legalization, experts estimate a huge increase in supply and demand of the drug, directly affecting the incidence of drugged driving.

It’s been found the reaction of the medication in the human brain results in traffic fatalities. As an example, marijuana has a tendency to reduce the reaction time, decrease coordination, and impede judgment of distance and time. Nevertheless, the issues become worse when the drug is mixed with alcohol.

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