Jamila Woods Legacy! Legacy! full album


Jamila Woods Legacy! Legacy! Full album

Format: 320kbit/s, mp3

Premiere: May 10th 2019

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File size;: 331,4 MB

File format: Jamila Woods Legacy! Legacy! zip file

Jamila Woods Legacy! Legacy! album songs list:

1. Betty

2. Zora

3. Giovanni

4. Sonia (Feat. Nitty Scott)

5. Frida

6. Eartha

7. Miles

8. Muddy

9. Basquiat (Feat. Saba)

10. Sun Ra (Feat. Themind and Jasminfire)

11. Octavia

12. Baldwin (Feat. Nico Segal)

13. Betty (For Boogie)

Jamila Woods has a voice and lyrical sensibility that transcends generations, and so it makes sense to have this lush and layered album that bounces seamlessly from one sonic aesthetic to another. This was the case on 2016’s HEAVN, which found Woods hopeful and exploratory, looking along the edges resilience and exhaustion for some measures of joy. Her new album, Legacy! Legacy! is the logical conclusion to that looking.

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