Possessed Revelations of Oblivion full album


Possessed Revelations of Oblivion Full album

Format: 320kbit/s, mp3

Premiere: May 10th 2019

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File size;: 333,4 MB

File format: Possessed Revelations of Oblivion zip file

Possessed Revelations of Oblivion album songs list:

1. Chant Of Oblivion

2. No More Room In Hell

3. Dominion

4. Damned

5. Demon

6. Abandoned

7. Shadowcult

8. Omen

9. Ritual

10. The Word

11. Graven

12. Temple Of Samael

Pre-singers of death metal, who will play at this year’s Mystic Festival, return with the long-awaited album “Revelations Of Oblivion”. Despite the fact that the composition of the band has changed several times, the Posless brain still remains steadfast Jeff Becerra. Possessed music will surely please fans of the cult “7 Churches” released in 1985 – although the calendar shows 2019, “Revelations Of Oblivion” is a very traditional, old school material that proves that you can play real, sinister death metal, without technical fireworks and other modern tricks.

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