Four Key Tactics The Pros Use For Web Hard

5) Finding the money keywords, or profitable keywords, for your website is your ultimate goal. Words that get many searches every day, and that you can rank at the top of the search engines for, are money keywords. It is not easy to find this balance that is required for a keyword to be a profitable keyword, however money keywords exist for every market. These key words or phrases will put your website in front of a targeted audience that already wants to know more about your product or service. Plus, when you are able to get to the first 3 or 4 spots on the first page of Google for those money keyword terms, the traffic will go to your website on a consistent basis.

Go to several of your competitors’ websites and check out what keywords they are focusing on by viewing the HTML source of the pages. Select only those competitors, who have high-ranked sites for your primary products or services.

Now let’s try to find whether you should use your keyword in singular or plural, or which one of the two similar search terms or phrases are more desirable by going to the following page: website When you enter two search terms, you will see which one is more popular and appears more times on the Internet.

But there are many successful sites out there that are just plain ugly, or have a poorly written message. However, they all live or die with a steady stream of traffic! And not just any traffic. You do not want people coming to your site who happen to be wandering around the highways and byways of the Internet. These are visitors who just happened to be in the neighborhood, so to speak.

SEO is the use of various techniques to improve a web site’s ranking in the search engines and thus attract more visitors. Some of these techniques are free and help a great deal and some techniques you can pay for. The free techniques are usually slower to move up your web site in rank but in my opinion are longer term results. Here are a few free optimizations that you can do:

All Company B activities are going on while Company A sits and waits for the phone to ring or the email to ping. Company A has web statistics available but they don’t think the data is important – except for hits. They have a counter on their home page for all to see. 129,582 hits – looks and sounds quite impressive. But hits can be deceiving.

Make a list of keywords that you think buyers might use to search for products and services you sell. If you are having trouble with this, ask your customers what keywords they would use to find your products and services.

Google also has a similar tool located at website If you enter a keyword to show matching query, the tool will give you two lists. The list on the left consists of specific search terms and on the right you will see a number of words and terms related to the keyword or term that you inserted. Pay special attention to the list on the right as you might find a number of words and terms that you have never thought of.

Sign up for Google analytics. In addition to the webmaster tools, Google has specific tools to analyze your web site. Keywords, visitors, referrals, bounce rate, how long visitors are staying on your site, how many from what country, etc.

For many websites, search engines, especially Google, bring more than 80 percent of their new visitors. According to a recent survey conducted by Marketingsherpa, 59 percent of B2B marketers have disclosed that they plan to increase their search engine optimization budgets for next year. This trend proves that most of the online businesses started to realize how crucial it is to optimize their web pages for search engines. If you are still lamenting why you are not getting enough targeted visitors from search engines, it is about time you take some very basic actions. Search engine optimization is a complex issue comprised of a number of aspects, i.e. valuable content, meta-tag optimization, keywords optimization, back links etc. However, if you just concentrate and work on one aspect – keywords, you will be able to increase site visibility dramatically. On the other hand, failure to take this fundamental search characteristic seriously means losing out to the competitors.

This bit of data tells the company what ISP’s people are using while visiting the site. Some are the usual suspects – Cox, Time Warner, Verizon, but a few might stand out like an ISP that ends with ‘.mil.’ or ‘.gov.’ Let’s put this to work for Company B. In checking the web statistics for December, Company B notices several visits from an ISP named At the weekly Company B meeting the web statistics are reviewed with staff. A staff member knows someone over in Fort Bragg who does some training. She places the call, and gets Company B and Fort Bragg talking about some of their services. Fort Bragg says they have gone with Company A for several years and are satisfied with their services, but are interested in what Company B can do for them. Now in this hypothetical situation Company A’s even keel approach could be steering right into an iceberg and Company B could be starting a long term partnership with Fort Bragg.Do a Google search for what your company is selling. Chances are there will be millions of results. You find company A’s web site ranked 20th and on the second page and Company B’s website ranked 2nd on the first page of results. How can company A improve it’s ranking?

Company B’s web site is also three years old, however, the company is always updating the site with new services, new schedules maybe a couple of articles related to client feedback or the services they provide. In other words the company is being proactive by managing their web site – keeping it fresh with new content. This does bring to the web site fresh eyes, and maybe new clients. But there is something else this company is doing – looking over the web site statistics. Web statistics sounds like a college math course, but in reality, most Web Hosting Companies make it real easy for you. Company B is getting the following information from visitors to their web site:

If you are very lucky, or have something that is truly new or newsworthy, then one of your articles, videos or blog posts might go viral. This means it will spread from person to person to web site at lightning speed, just like a real virus. This is a fantastic traffic generator for you, but is very difficult to pull off. It usually happens by accident, or unexpectedly.

There are simply not enough hours in a day (or week!) to use all the above methods on a regular basis. So the conventional wisdom is to pick one or two that appeal to you, and spend most of your time on them. For example, if you like exchanging information and ideas with people, perhaps social networking is for you.

So, unless your monthly internet advertising budget is in the thousands of dollars, forget this route. If any company tries to claim that they can place your site for a couple hundred bucks, think twice before working with them. I, for instance, don’t even try to place my clients’ sites on the top of the search engines. There are other ways to get traffic.

Of course, optimizing your web pages for keywords will dramatically improve your web page ranking. However, this alone might not be able to position your page at the top. Once you are done with your keyword optimization you should start working on getting quality backward links to your page. Combination of these two is often sufficient to achieve remarkable result in your search engine optimization efforts.

Traffic generation is an ongoing process, not something you do only once and then forget about. Concentrate your efforts on one or two techniques or approaches, set up a schedule for what you will do each and every day, then do it. Automate the tasks whenever possible. One thing you share with the top, successful marketers is that you, and they, have only 24 hours in each day. They use those hours productively and wisely. You must do the same.

Google and other search engines are where people go to search for information on products and services they want to know more about, and that they want to buy. This is how people will find your website and your business. What most people do is to click on the search results on the first page of the search engines. That is where you need to be. This whole process is centered around the words that people type, or what we marketers call keywords or key phrases.

Some of the promises are true. However they are only true if you follow the right steps and implement the boring actions that will get you there. This means getting a high-ranking by keyword searching. I say boring as they are considered by some as boring – but not by me.

Search keywords are key words that visitors have typed into Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc. and clicked a search result that led to the Company B web site. For example, Joe the Plumber is looking for a defensive driving course for his teenage son so he typed in Defensive Driving; Company B comes up in the search results. Joe the Plumber clicks the Company B link and visits the site. The upside for using this data is that Company B uses these keyword results to introduce new services and new content so that these visitors will purchase these services rather than continuing their search elsewhere. Now you wouldn’t want to do too many new services as that wouldn’t be financially prudent, but even posting new information such as links to articles or writing your own is doing two things – keeping visitors on your site and potentially getting new clients.

Maybe they really have done what they claim. The truth, though, is that a regular stream of targeted visitors to your web site is hard to come by. It can be very time-consuming, tedious and frustrating. Remember, you are competing for attention with the other 20 billion (yes, that is billion, with a b) web sites on the Internet.

This is the unpleasant truth, and price, of success on the Web. I do not know of anyone who got rich overnight. I do know marketers who toiled over a hot, sweaty computer for years, before becoming an instant, overnight success.You’re probably in an MLM now, correct? Write about that! Is there a guru online that you find particular interesting? Do a little research and write about them! You must know “HOW-TO” do something, don’t you? Write about it! You can even write about Alexa and how to generate web traffic!

The most used way for modern business people to exhibit their products and services to the client is through web advertising or putting up web pages. If you are a business owner with a limited budget and do not have the resources to go for traditional advertising on television, creating a website has to be your means to make the people become informed or acquainted about your offerings. Advertising on the web is a very successful way of having a business popularized and it’s been around for a while. All you need to do is to get the most effective web marketing solutions that will improve search engine ranking for your site.

The keyword phrases also need to have low competition. Again a good quality paid keyword tool will give you the competition. If not you can use commands in Google to find the competition. You can use the term in speech marks or even specific commands in Google to work out what the competition is doing.

Every single business on the Internet constantly needs to build web site traffic, or visitors, no matter what they are selling. It is perhaps the one, single common denominator among successful web sites. You have no doubt heard a lot about the need to design a pretty site, with good navigation, using slick, tight ad copy, etc.

So how will you boost your rankings with SEO? Here are some tips and ”must do” facts that will boost your rankings all the way to the top with just a bit of the work from your site. First you have to pick your target keywords, position your keywords, always have in mind that unique and relevant content is the king, avoid duplicate content and search engine penalties, try to include HTML links within your web site, spider can’t read content within frames , so avoid frames on your web site, include your keywords in hyper links. Remember while building the main structure of the web site that spider always read your page from the upper left corner and down. So make sure (if it is possible) to have search engine optimization friendly text on the left of your web site. These are only some of the on-page search optimization steps and facts you have to use when building a web site.

Now that you have a number of keywords, cluster two to three of them for one single page. Remember, every page of your site should be built surrounding one single theme and focused on maximum two to three keywords.

You see everybody wants to be successful. Everybody wants the golden prize of making good money on the internet. Also everyone wants the top spot on Google with loads of traffic that converts into lots of sales. That’s the dream. I am sure you have seen all the promises out there.

The problem is; people don’t want to work. They want things for free with little to no work involved. They want something that they can sit back and do nothing and collect money at the same time. There is no such program. Stop living in a fairy tale and wake up. The only way you make a lot of money is to work really hard. Unless; You just won the lottery or large inheritance.

Some visitor ISP could be commercial like Raytheon, Fidelity or Starbucks. Large companies like these run their own ISP’s and could also provide potential leads for clients. One word on Starbucks though, they rent out their ISP at local coffee shops, so if you see Starbucks in your Visitor ISP data, it most likely means someone logged into the Starbucks ISP and visited your site.

Join all the forums, social networks, article directories, and website directories as you can. Make some friends and tell everyone about what you have to offer. But, don’t fall for anyone claiming to know all the inside tips on how Google or any other search engine is run. Nobody really knows. They just know what works.

Let’s look at 5 reasons why marketing keywords can help your web site rank in the first few spots on the first page of Google for the key words and phrases that your target market is searching for in the search engines. This will involve keyword research to find the right words to target on your website and to center your website marketing around.

The Company A web site is three years old and has the exact same content as day one. Same services, same content information, same old, same old. The company has applied the IYBI-TWC principle. Yes, it does get potential clients to use their services; but most of their clients have always used this industry service company for x amount of years so why change. Don’t get me wrong, this company is making money, but the same money, from the same clients. Same eyes looking at the site, same eyes buying the services. I call this approach the even keel – just hums along thinking everything is going great – but watch out for those icebergs.An AdWords campaign can be launched even if you don’t have a website indexed in the organic search pages. What you need to do is bid on keywords, have an ad copy created and you can launch a campaign on the search network.

But, Paul, how can I drive traffic to my site when I don’t know what to write about? Trust me folks, that’s the easy part! There is so much information out there on so many different topics that are all relevant to network marketing, it’s insane!

Getting a better web page rank is very difficult. It takes lots of dedication, time, and creativeness. I can promise you that, there has never been an effective software that will give you a better web page rank or more traffic. The only way to get a better page rank is to have back links, thousands of them. Stay away from these scams.

1) You can do your keyword research, and focus on your specific industry and the typical terms that are used in it. There are general terms for every market that get lots and lots of traffic from the search engines each day. Many website owners think that if a key word or phrase gets thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of searches every day, that they would be happy with a fraction of that. They think that the traffic gets distributed among all of the websites that target the terms.

At first, going from keyword research to writing the articles will take some time, but once you learn your way around the tools, it will all flow much smoother and you’ll get a lot quicker. Pretty soon you’ll watch you’re Alexa web traffic ranking soar, people will start coming to your blog in droves, and you’ll be sipping your favorite beverage in some exotic location.

Given that most firms offer the best regarding the previously enumerated important factors, the extra services that they also provide will serve as the basis on why they get to be chosen by clients (which you may also use as your own when you’re considering of using the services of one). Services may vary from those that are linked to areas that are very popular to the people online like ads or links in your favorite social networking web pages, or through web video advertising, follow-up marketing for prospective customers as well as backlink building for your web page.

Fresh content is a king. And that’s a fact. Try to post your unique content as often as possible with fresh articles or reviews or whatever you are promoting. Just write content with your own words because this is the best way to boost your web site rankings for free. Don’t ever copy articles from other web sites or using a spinners or synonym replacement tools. Although this tools are very tempt and popular but believe me there is nothing like fresh content. Give your readers something new, fresh and unique and they will come back more often. When writing your articles always include keywords that are relevant to your products or services you’re promoting.

The easiest way to climb Google’s rankings is to target keywords that are not particularly competitive. Let’s say for example you are in the “Pool Cleaning” niche. A good keyword research tool will provide you with statistics on related words that you could target, where the number of daily searches is high but the competing pages are low. This kind of information is like gold dust!

A service is tougher to sell to a customer because it isn’t a thing. A customer can’t touch it or control it. A service is not objective but subjective. A customer can’t have a free trial download of a service to test it out. So how should the executive protection/security industry sell a service on the web and do it at a reasonable cost?

Finding these money keywords takes comprehensive marketing keywords research. It is not enough to simply find keywords that many people are searching. Those keywords may be almost impossible to rank for, and that means nobody will see your website when they are searching for what you have. Once you find keywords that get lots of searches, you must determine the competition. This work is tedious but very important if you want to make your website profitable. It can be easily outsourced as well, so that you can secure the right words and be on your way to getting targeted traffic to your website.

You can create back links a number of ways. Organic advertising and marketing are the best ways to get back links. But, it will take some very hard work on your part. You can also pay someone to market and advertise your website. But this can cost you thousands of dollars.

Well the major players on the internet are doing exactly that to drive MASSIVE amounts of traffic to their sites. The Alexa rankings are what show you how much web traffic you are getting to your website or blog during a particular period of time.

Once you’ve picked a topic to write about, you’ll need to decide what exactly it is that you are going to provide for your reader. What is it that you think they are looking for, and how are you going to give it to them?Article Marketing.

This powerful tool will help you get tons of web traffic to your site if you use it the right way. So what’s the right way to write an article? Before rushing and submitting your articles to sites such as ezine articles, you must make sure that they are original, helpful, and well written.

Starting up a small business on the internet would no longer be a problem in today’s day and age. However, if your business website’s ranking isn’t high, it might be hard for you to survive when it comes to today’s tough competition. Rankings that search engines place onto websites happen to be very prestigious. Unless your website is listed as a frequently visited one, your chances of getting revenues will get reduced. Unfortunately, the majority of web designers focuses on visual appeal and totally overlooks an important aspect: web page ranking.

Warning – if your page is a mess, ugly, hard to read and not getting to the point really quickly – you just lost an opportunity for a site visitor. If you have ever seen me speak, I begin to jump around and do a wild jig as I explain the 3/6 rule – that being when a visitor gets to your site you have about 3 seconds of eye time for them to make a decision you are the answer to their question and another 3 seconds for them to decide if your site is worth exploring further. Well that 6-second window just shrunk to about – oh a half a second, maybe a full second. WOW.

SEO tactics have to be taken into consideration when it comes to web design. In fact, great SEO tactics have the ability to improve your business by bringing in lots of traffic. When getting your brand new website ready, or when making your website friendlier for search engines, you need to follow several basic tips. To start, you could add alt tags along with images, video or flash. The algorithms of search engines are also sophisticated. They are only able to decipher the webpage’s text. When it comes to search engines, the flash, images or videos are simply art that cannot read texts writing in photos. Therefore, you need to ensure that you hire proper companies of website designing to do so.

Website linking is another great benefit where your site is in the position of bearing a great traffic ranking, other sites would want to use your site and build links. The positive or up-side of this is that your site will also be exposed to more and you will be building and expanding along with these sites making it an unstoppable rise at ranking even higher and earning even more.

Unique and original contents containing the optimized keywords have good chances to get higher page positions. The use of a keyword tool can give you good options on the keywords to choose.

Optimization of content titles, meta tags, meta descriptions play important roles in the ranking process. Without these optimized elements getting higher positions will be hard to achieve.

Off-page optimization or link building is best for higher page ranking goals. Without these elements, getting better placements is almost nil and can never be achieved.

Although there may not be any basis on these theories, people have to be reminded that organic rankings can only be improved if optimization is done on the site and these are through on-page and off-page optimization. Competition can also influence loss in ranking, especially if they have the more optimized and high ranked keywords.

You cannot use relevant information that was simply copied from another source. The information must be perceived as original in order for Google to register it in their rankings system. In fact information that is simply copied from another source can penalize the web sites rankings.

2) There are marketing keywords strategies that give better results. Go wide with your keyword research. The way I use the term wide means that instead of trying to target general (broad) keywords that already might have huge competition in your market, you look for related terms that would still get a lot of searches. For example, if you target ‘real estate’ as your keyword, you should be aware that millions of other websites will already be using that keyword and it will be very hard to get to the first page of Google or other search engines using that term alone.

I found using GKT (Google Keyword Tool) is the best way to get ideas of which key-words you should be using to increase the potential of web traffic your article could bring. Try to spread them around your article without letting it sound too repetitive, or else people will notice something weird on your article, leave or not click on your links. So just squeeze in some of the best key-words you find on your GKT search and you will be soon watching web traffic results translated in numbers, followers, links, everything.

Now is not the time to invest in links and other SEO strategies that are code based. I am not suggesting that web design best practices be thrown out the window – these will continue to be valued services and just as a side note – page speed is real serious business now. Google also just released a new tool that will actually optimize your site for speed – so yes, they are taking this seriously. But I digress.If you use keyword research tools, and dig deeper in the real estate area, you will find other key words or phrases that are closely related. Not as many other websites will be targeting wide key terms and you will have a better chance at ranking high for them. You want to look at more specific terms in your market, and keep digging down with terms until you find a few key words or phrases that get significant amounts of searches each month but don’t have the competition that general keywords have.

Adding relevant and unique content is critical and this very basic part of SEO is often ignored or not fully appreciated by internet marketers. To implement it does not require any knowledge of the more technical aspects of SEO but the impact on ranking can be considerable. This is the easy way for beginners to improve Google ranking and ultimately increase web traffic to your website.

So what exactly is Preview? The little spyglass icon next to a search result enables a ‘peek’ at the web page without having to actually visit the site. This preview will allow the searcher to decide quickly if the page being offered is relevant to their search, looks like a credible site or is familiar to what they were looking for in the first place.

It all has a logical connection: the more there is a need for a certain service or product, the more that requirement will be tried to be gratified by one or more individuals or groups, specially when there is a compensation in the form of a fee. Through this, there occurs the heightening need for businesses to conquer the competition in relation to web marketing. Companies and firms that offer these solutions then, were developed to satisfy the need for online advertising. These providers work to ensure that the websites of their clients show up regularly on search page results.

If we will look into these factors that influence high web placements and rankings we can observe that AdWords neither have nor influence in getting higher rankings. Conversely, we can also say that paid ads will have no effect on the lowering of your rank and these are all theories and without solid facts to the contrary, then we can say it remains a theory.

4) Some website owners use marketing keywords strategies that are successfully used in PPC marketing (buying ads on search engines) for the keywords on their websites. These include geo-targeting or making the focus on a local area to attract visitors and potential buyers primarily from that locale. This will narrow the searches you can rank for, but also bring much more targeted traffic to the website. Certain demographic areas can be targeted such as a specific segment of the population, or even sub-segment. You might think that you are limiting your potential audience, but again, it will bring targeted traffic and possibly more of it than you think.

If you are a good writer, produce articles and submit them to article directories such as And so on. The important point here is to be consistent, persistent, and patient. Work hard. Most traffic-building methods take time to show results. The ones that may work faster, or even instantly, will cost you money. Perhaps a lot, with no guarantee of results.

Web referrals work like this: Company B posted an article related to their services but also gave good practical advice; another company,, put a link to Company B’s article on their web site. The web statistics will show a referral from These statistics are also a good aide in garnering new eyes and potential new clients. It also does something else – networking and potentially supplemental income. Now that Company B knows that posts articles a dialogue has begun. Company B and now post articles and shared services on each other’s web sites. Things are going well between them they are talking about putting referral finder’s fees for the referral traffic.

No, you want people who are interested in, and ideally, even searching for your product or service. Your online business survival depends on this selected or targeted traffic. So where to find it? Preferably quickly? Well, the experts and gurus promise truckloads of traffic using one of the methods I mentioned at the beginning of this article. They promise you that they have cracked the code, learned the secrets, hijacked Clickbank or Google, found how to dominate any niche, etc. etc.

Do you want a top internet website ranking on Google? It isn’t as hard as it sounds, but you’ll have to do your homework and a bit of hard work. Follow these tops tips and you should get some decent results in a relatively short space of time.

Users will not type in ‘Home’ to get to that certain page. The majority of users make use of labels that are generic, which produces better results. Instead of making use of ‘Home’, you could use the company’s name instead. Everybody realizes the advantages that come with SEO tactics; however, they don’t realize that when used effectively, business operations could change drastically. When talking to website designers about these websites, SEO details can also be incorporated.Ideally, as a business you should know which words or phrases people will use to make a query on a search engine when they look for products or services you sell. Your goal is to get your website within ten top search positions for specific keywords or phrase. Getting your website on the first page for a query is a time consuming and a tedious job, but, if you get it done, the outcome will be enormously beneficial for your website. Your website will receive increased targeted traffic with solid top search engine placements for years to come.

Use these keywords for the specific web page. Make sure you don’t over use keywords on a page. Search engine spider may consider that you are spamming and may penalize you if it sees too much use of same words on a page. How do you know that you are not over using keywords? There are tools to check what the density of a keyword on a webpage is. Again Gorank has several tools for checking keyword density at website You can verify what is the keyword density used by top ten ranked web pages for a particular keyword. Another place where you can analyze keyword density for your content is website This tool allows you to see ratio of keywords density with a given text dynamically.

There will be no mistaking that the moment your web site is able to achieve an improved web site traffic ranking it will generate as much traffic as possible and will continue doing so. With this comes several other benefits for the web site owner to enjoy.

Blogs. Social networking (Web 2.0). Forum marketing. Article marketing. Link trading and exchanges. Joint ventures. Search engine optimization. Video marketing. Press releases (almighty Google loves news!). Classified and display advertising. Pay per Click (PPC) advertising and the newer Cost per View (CPV) advertising. And the list goes on.

Once you have determined that your website has correct keywords to attract web traffic, the website has to be relevant to what internet searchers are looking for. Simply inserting keywords into irrelevant data will not enhance one’s Google rankings. In other words when a searcher looks for information on marketing, for example, the page that comes up in the search results will be about marketing. It will not discuss accounting, taxation, finance or any other remotely related topic. The content will be relevant to marketing.

Technically speaking, a hit is a call to the server where the file is hosted and presents that file on the browser. So what does that mean? Let’s say there are 15 images on Company A’s web site home page. If one visitor clicks on the home page, that produces 16 hits – 15 for the image files, and 1 for the page itself. Now the counter will go up only one notch, but the web stats hit data for Company A will add sixteen. Let’s say that one visitor clicked on the home page ten times, the counter goes up ten – the hit data goes up to 160. Company A is thinking several different visitors went to their site, when it actually was only one person. So when you look at hits as a gauge on how your web site is doing – bigger isn’t always better.

Recently, I heard the well know “shock blogger” Perez Hilton, creator of the celebrity blog that bears his name, on the Howard Stern Show. Basically he said, even he was tired of being negative in his writing and was looking forward to being more positive because the energy around it was so much better.

Many companies guaranty that they will place your website in the top ten on all the major search engines. They may actually accomplish this goal. But what they do not tell you is that many of them choose the key search words that are not used by most websites in your category so that they can place your site in the top ten on the search engines for those keywords. What this means in simple words is that customers will most likely never enter in those keywords and will most likely never see your website. It is a fact that if you sell cars, for example, that your site will likely never be in the top ten or even the top 100 for the keyword “car”. Too many huge companies which have been around for a lot longer dominate the internet for that keyword.

There are a lot of ways to increase your online presence and drive a lot of traffic to your website. One of the most well known but little understood concept is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. Search Engine Optimization is a combination of actions, including keyword usage and keyword placement, which lead to a high ranking for your website on search engine search results and will help in generating web traffic. The higher that a website ranks on a search engine search results list, the more likely it is to attract high traffic numbers, which ultimately will lead to more customers.

Here is where writing original content comes in play. If your article is good and useful enough, and also key-word rich, you will have a high chance it will be a viral article (an article that spreads like crazy) and rank on the first Google pages for different search queries and for long periods of time.Effective keyword use in your image’s file name as well as in its “alt text” tag (see Alt Text vs. Title) can do a lot for telling Google exactly what your file is about. This is the most important thing which you can do, and it’s very simple to rename your file if appropriate before uploading it to your site and it’s simple to use your keyword in the alt text tag using WordPress, as well.

It’s at this time when I usually steam into keyword searching and laying down the rules. However lets stop there a moment. Let me mention that you can approach this in different ways. You can get a free keyword tool and do a bit of hard work searching for keywords. You can also use a paid tool and let the power of the tool do the search for you. Not all keyword tools find the competition as well as the traffic.

Finally, there is another labor intensive, but effective plan to register your ad with business directories and listings. Google and Yahoo, for example, have local business listings for free. If someone in your area searches for a used car, your listing is shown for free along with the others in that area. This will also increase links back to your website which will help in the search engine rankings. More links back to your site equals higher search engine placement.

An interesting element also is the quality score and cost per click of your campaign. Relevance and landing page play an important part in reducing cost per click expense and better results and not page ranking.

So, where is it easy to get highly ranked for keywords? Well, I have found that you can find highly ranked keywords in markets like self-growth, health, cooking, diabetes and other markets like that. That is one of the easiest ways to get ranked for keywords. It’s really easy to get ranked for keywords on Google in my opinion. But long tail keywords, like in this case, “personal growth for women” is a lot easier than two word keywords like “personal growth.” So, if you’re in the men’s health market, choose keywords like “health strategies for men” rather than “men’s health” because it’s going to be a lot easier to rank for a longer termed keyword with four words over one with two. If we look at the cooking market, to give you another example, the word “cooking” is not going to be that easy to rank well for, but the words “cooking for children” is going to be a lot easier to rank for because it’s a longer tailed keyword term. So, if you have not yet used the Google Keyword Tool and used long tail keywords to optimize your web pages, I highly suggest that you do so. Seriously, Google is one of the best research tools around. Don’t overlook the power of Google.

o What pages visitors look at and how often

o How often visitors stay on a page

o What time a day most visitors come to the site

o What web site referred their web site

o What search keywords led visitors to their site

o What country or state visitors are from

o Visitor ISP’s – military, government, education, commercial

When doing your marketing keywords research you can use the information above on wide keyword search to locate longtail keywords. You want to try and get in the mindset of your potential website visitor or buyer, and think about the words they might use when they look for your product or service. It might take you away from the keywords you think must be targeted on your website, and give you the opportunity to rank high for terms people are actually searching every day.

What is meant by Search Engine Optimization? Search Engine Optimization is a method of arranging your site by making it friendly to the search engine crawler. The majority involved in search engine optimization have devoted the majority of their hard work in making their website be first, or at least on the first page, of the keyword search results in Google and other search engines. It is critical that your website feature the proper keywords in order to attract Google traffic. Keywords can change, so proper SEO needs proper research to determine optimal keywords to increase traffic to your website.

All these and more will come to you if you are able to find the secret to getting that really high website traffic ranking so take note of the essential moves you need to make in order to get to this. Amongst all other effective and useful SEO techniques out there for your taking, be particular with the fact that your website content speaks volume – so be sure that it is content that is worth visiting by your targeted users.

Search engines thrive on textual content, scavenging as much text as they can but unfortunately they cannot understand images or Flash animations like we can and so will find nothing of real value on your page. Try to balance your page so that the textual content is given priority and that any images or animations are used only when needed. Also it is a good idea to attach some text to an image by using its ALT tag as search engines use this text when determining rank.Thirdly, fill out free classified ads online. Every year more and more people stay at home and shop online. The number of people using online classified ads is growing daily. Most classified ad sites will also give you a friendly email reminder when your ad is expiring. Most of these sites also have a convenient link for you to click on and repost your ad. It’s that easy. So, for a bit of hard work in the beginning, you will start to see results very soon. The most important thing is to experiment with different wording for your ad. See which ones bring the best results. A poorly written ad will not bring you any traffic, whereas a thoughtfully written ad will perform well.

Search engines spiders that crawl through our pages are a relatively primitive bunch. They find in hard to navigate complicated menu systems implemented for example in JavaScript or as a Java applet. Just because it is easy for a human to navigate through the site never assume it will be as easy for a search engine spider. A menu system using simple textual links will be easier for a spider to understand and it will be able to successfully navigate your site. A lot of the time complicated menu systems can be replicated using textual links and CSS.

You have to be creative and write constantly about your website. Tell your friends, family, whoever will listen. Nobody will advertise your website until you get some street cred online. Another words, nobody will promote your website until you earn it. So get out there and tell everyone.

One company of web design guarantees all of this and much more. The services that this particular company of web designing uses include designs that are SEO friendly and the creation of free logo designs and brand identity. This company follows guidelines that are specified by regular W3c designing and its turnaround time doesn’t take longer than a week. If clients happen to come across any problems, it would be simply for them to ask for certain changes. Website designers that work for this company are highly experienced and make sure that every website is perfect. The majority of websites are put to use as tools of effective marketing, which it uses as an image to project on the websites. You should speak with the designers, in order to have them comply with any personal demands.

So back to the drawing board. Clean up your website and brush up on your social skills. Get a content strategy together that will be helpful, informative and fun and get out there and get the conversation going.

If your web page has plenty of nice-looking graphics and eye-popping Flash animation and not a lot of textual content it may indeed look nice but have you ever considered what how the search engines might see it.

So please take my advice. Don’t buy any of those software programs that promise you a higher webpage rank or more traffic. You may see a short spurt of results. But, it will hurt your webpage rank more than help. Do it yourself if you want it done right.

But the words you use are also important for another reason other than making sales. The words that appear on your web site will determine who and how many people actually find your site. This is because the main search engines categorise sites by the words that are used on them, and then use these categories to serve up the results to searches that are made. It is therefore incredibly important that your site is optimized for the search engines to give it the best possible chance of appearing at the top of the search engine results. After all if you have invested your hard earned cash in having a site designed, you want to make sure it is found by people who are looking for the products and services you provide.

Website traffic is critical for the existence of any distinct website. All your marketing efforts on the Internet will count for nothing if your site fails to generate website traffic in enough quantity. The product you are promoting may be in demand and your website may be impressive and user friendly, but your sales promotion will be a failure without traffic. You will make no money if there is not a constant stream of targeted traffic to your website. This means that the key goal in creating any website is increase web traffic. This is critical to the success for any online promotional endeavor.

There is nothing more disappointing than working hard to get top ranking for a certain key phrase and then realize that you are targeting for wrong type of visitors. How do you choose your key words and phrases and optimize your pages accordingly?

If you are stranded on the back pages, not a soul will become aware of you, and this will mean that you will not have very many sales as a result of your website marketing efforts. The market for search engines first and then to the community, who at the end of the day is your ideal user.

Second, if you have a budget to spend, the best way to advertise your website is to use pay-per-click advertising. These are targeted ads placed in front of the eyes of a person for a specific keyword. When someone clicks on your ad, then you pay for the click through. If no one clicks, then you don’t pay a cent. A good example is with our car dealer. Someone does a search for “used car” and your ad shows up in the top ten. This is possible and can be manipulated to get your ad in the top rankings. You choose the maximum cost per click and thereby you have complete control of how much you spend and how high your ad will rank.Or, finally, you can create your own traffic by putting original content on your sites. This will (slowly) attract the search engines, and increase your web site ranking. Many of us use this option because it costs little or nothing, and it works. Combine it with a few of the methods I mentioned above, and you will be well on your way. Unfortunately, this process takes time, often a lot of your time, and it can be very boring.

If you must use a complicated menu system be sure to provide a site map that is clearly accessible from the homepage of your site and contains only textual links to your pages. This ensures that even if the spider cannot understand your menu system that it will be able to find the pages on your site.

There are theories that AdWords can affect a site’s search engine rankings especially if paid ads on AdWords are stopped and pulled out. There are marketers claiming that their previously high ranked sites, those on the top ten in the results pages, considerably lost ranks and slid to the third or fourth pages after stopping their paid campaigns.

One of these benefits would obviously be increased sales – something that web site owners look forward to as this is a product of their hard work. When you have an improved traffic web site ranking, sales would consequently increase because your website will keep appearing to almost all potential customers and even those who don’t even know your product or services yet all because the ranking that search engines give you make it possible for users who searches for anything related to your product or service will be directed to you.

If you just apply yourself a little bit and dig into your CREATIVITY, I’m sure you will be able to come up with more than enough information to get you up and running. Once you get started, you’ll find that it will be hard to stop!

The rollout of Preview may be a real time saver and nice feature for some searchers. Site owners will find mounting challenges in how to show up on a page and get the desired traffic to their site. Let’s face it – if you can’t get them in – you can’t make the sale. And even more dramatically – if your site traffic falls off, well Google will begin to let you slide in the rankings. This ladies and gents is a real cold shower, wake up call for getting your website ramped up and your social media on steroids.

Getting targeted traffic to your website might see as the most challenging task about starting a successful business online. The truth is, it is actually as easy as setting up your blog on blogger. It just depends on how much time and effort you invest on it. It can be amazingly easy to get tons of free traffic to your website if you know the right way to do it. How? There are a million ways to increase traffic to your web but I will guide you through my favorite, and in my experience, most effective one:

If you want rank well in the search engines you must use your keywords effectively. This means in the page title, for any alt tags on the site, and spread throughout the content of the article – about 6 times per 500 words is a good rate.

An additional matter for increasing website traffic is keyword analysis. Getting the wording dead on is indispensable for triumph. If you endeavor to merchandise a product, ensure you invite the desirable customer group with the vocabulary you draw on. Make sure your language sum up your story in three words or fewer. You should seek words that prompt individuals to purchase. Prevail on them to buy is precisely why you are marketing online.

One really good tip is to use long tail keywords in your articles and on your web pages to better target your market. This one strategy alone can increase your chances of making more sales and finding more prospects who are interested in the information and products that you have to offer.

Take this article for an example. I searched for traffic. Results came up and I found words like targeted traffic ranking up high on global and local search, but also very high on competition. That would mean two things: it sells a lot, but it is also hard to get ranked high since there is a lot if people using them. In the other hand, I found key-words like web traffic ranking high on searching and low on competition, which means it is an useful key-word and I should squeeze it a bit more than the other key-words I am using. Look back on my article and see how I used key-words all over. As an example article I used bold on all of them (Search robots also LOVE bold and italic) and overused them a bit to show you where they are and how they are supposed to be blended in, and if you pay attention you will find articles full of blended in key-words in them ranking high on search engines. That is the article marketing web traffic secret.

All starts with on-site page optimization. There are quite a lot of factors to marketing online, but the first thing you must do is you have to draw search engines. Getting noticed by Google and the other is central to your achievement.Why is it so important that you get high rankings? It’s simple. People today have arguably short attention spans. So, if your site doesn’t pop out the first page in their searches, there’s a big chance that your site won’t be found and visited. Of course, this isn’t a very good thing if you’re aiming for the big time, so you will have to take measures to improve your standing.

There are without doubt, many web designers around who can produce absolutely stunning web sites that are technically advanced with beautiful graphics and logos. But will these kind of features help a small business to make more online sales?

This is why you should take the appropriate steps to improve your web traffic rankings. Luckily, that can be done by making your web presence more felt by the public through a variety of ways. For one, you can get your site listed in different directories and social bookmarking websites. You can also gain a lot from leaving a link to your site in different blogs and forum communities that search engines index and crawl into.

How to write a good article? Sit down and write for 10-20 minutes about your niche (or for as long as your mind can keep giving you ideas without forcing your mind too much), just letting out the ideas, information and advices in your mind. Now re-read and correct any mistakes you made during your writing. Make sure it is useful and makes sense. Give it a 10 minutes check and edit until you are happy with your article.

Selecting a web marketing solutions company that can improve search engine ranking for your site is usually a challenge. This is most especially with the huge variety of alterations they make to the most rudimentary services that a web marketing firm can provide, you have to pay attention to the most significant points. As a first thing to take into consideration, the company should have the ability to give you not just a gorgeous web site, but also a website that pulls in traffic brought by appropriate optimization techniques. Next, the site should not only be visited by many people. The web marketing company will be able to make the best analysis when it concerns to how to draw in, not merely the visitors, but the buyers as well.

Adding keyword modifiers, or certain words that are commonly searched, to your key words or phrases can be a successful method. For example, adding words like guide, review, compare, buy, or the names of specific geographic areas will give you more keywords that you can rank for easier. Keyword multipliers is another strategy. Here, you add related keywords to the same root words in order to build a list of keyword search terms to research. In PPC advertising, you may be looking for long lists of keywords. It is different when choosing keywords to target on a website. You don’t need as many and you want to confirm the words or phrases get significant traffic. It can still help to use these methods in your research.

Write an article (like this one) and submit it to online publishers. You can include a link to your website at the bottom and a little bit about yourself. Anyone who likes your article may click on to your website.

Join online groups such as Myspace and Facebook. In these sites you can create a free online profile. You can network with other members, thereby increasing traffic to your site. And the link in your own profile will help a bit in the search engine rankings.

And as a final statement of my own. Here is a golden rule about search engine optimization that I’ve learned years ago. When doing search engine optimization for your web site for some chosen keywords, type those keywords into your browser first and look at the structure of the first few web sites that appear on the first page. Look at their web site structure and source code (HTML- check their off-page search engine optimization ). See what keywords they have within the title and in general the only thing you have to do now is to make better search engine optimization structure than this web site has. Just make some modifications in a way of better search engine optimization and believe me your web site will appear next to this one, within a week. Yes it really is that simple. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel or hot water, just look what and how others are doing SEO, make some changes on better and your done.

The more people linking to your image on your site, i.e. you have several webmasters linking to your image at (as opposed to their stealing your image and pasting it on their own site), the better it will rank. This one is basic link building SEO.

Increase web site traffic by getting a better website ranking. It is hard to market on the internet and to do this you need to increase online traffic. To do that you need an augmented ranking site from search engines. How to work out this difficulty?

Deciding on a particular company to hire to improve search engine ranking may pose a risk. It’s hard to pinpoint which web marketing firm can deliver you the results that you need just as they assured. Hence, it is often a good preference to check not just one, but several providers, so that you can be able to compare the particular extra service that they each boast of. It would also be of more help if you could contact each web marketing group. Narrow down your choices, and ultimately choose the firm that’ll make your web page rank first in the search results.Believe me, I understand. My web site generates income and is one of the highest regarded sites of its kind on the web. I can also answer every one of those questions above without hesitation. Do I pay a fortune? Hardly. I pay less than $1 per day.

A good website traffic ranking is most often achieved when the web site owner knows how to serve the interest of its prospective visitors or its targeted audience. As a web site owner you should be able to make sure that your web site is ranked highly by most of the search engines and this may actually happen if you are able to completely satisfy the needs of your prospective customers.

Remember, Internet Marketing is all about doing things on a daily basis. If you want to be sure of a top internet web site ranking, don’t get caught in the trap of over-analysing your situation and end up achieving nothing!

Take the car dealership mentioned above. There are millions of companies that “guaranty” to place you in the top ten for the keyword “car”, all at the same time. Now, every one of these companies is competing with all the rest for this one single keyword. What are your chances of getting in the top ten? Answer: about a million to one. Not to mention all of the huge corporations who already dominate the internet as I have already mentioned above.

The remedy is not simple. It takes a exceptional blend of boundless story, and meet the copyright material requirements of search engines. Components of text for search engines is broadly the same as for consumers, but where you arrange a number of aspects of subject matter that is critical. You need also know keyword phrases and Meta description text that search engines make use of to construct recommendations about your excellence and presence. Do you know where these tags and descriptions should be in your writing or on your page?

Use sites like Squidoo, Hubpages and EzineArticles to generate high quality backlinks to your site, but always make sure the content you put up on those third part sites is of the highest quality – High quality content will lead to high quality traffic.

Listen to the people that have lots of traffic and have a high webpage rank. There is lots of free advice on how to drive traffic and get a higher webpage rank. Don’t buy any programs that claim you the world. Although there are some really great e-books and programs to teach you how to drive traffic and webpage rank. Those programs take lots of time to see results but they usually work great. Don’t buy in to the ones that claim you don’t have to do anything and you’ll be rich also.

Once you have your keywords it is time to start your ranking strategy. A good one is to write content on a daily basis. Write an article on a separate web page of your web site optimised for a keyword you have found. The keyword must be in the title and content of the article. Also use back links to promote your web page up the rankings. A good strategy is social book marking

This is the reason why web site owners are often worked up into finding the best technique or tactic to use for the improvement and increase of their website traffic ranking. They very well know that an improved traffic and ranking system would eventually lead to a high conversion of sales for the owner.

Search engine optimization, web page rankings, affiliate sales, and all the other aspects of internet marketing: These are all incredibly broad topics. I could write a book about each of them. It is difficult to master one of these topics, let alone get a handle on all of them. For new internet marketers it can feel like mission impossible to get a website up, drive traffic to it, and successfully monetize it.

Now go to Yahoo! pay per click search marketing site Overture, which has an excellent keyword selection tool. Type in your word, combination of words or phrase in the given field and see how many times your specific term was searched on last month, and related searches that include your given keywords. The address is website

In most locations these days, there are many local SEO services to choose from. When selecting a service though, be sure to check on the results they have achieved for other businesses to be sure you are getting someone who knows what they are doing. Ask them to review your site before you agree to use them and only pay them based on results. A good SEO expert will be prepared to work on a results based basis if they are confident in their ability to improve your web page rankings.

The good news is, technology has galloped to the rescue. Today there are software packages that will automate much of this repetitive work, leaving you more time to work on creative tasks. This will save your sanity, and much hair-pulling. And maybe even your marriage. After all, we work on the Internet because we do not want, or cannot find, a regular, 9 – 5 job. So we do not want to go absolutely crazy from long, monotonous tasks.

One of the aspects how to boost your rankings with SEO is also clear and easy structure of your web site. Don’t use to many decorations and flashing banners. This will only distract the visitor so he’ll miss the point of your promotion. Include as much as possible links to other web sites. Link to web sites with high page rank this way you will increase your web site traffic easy way.You can also submit your content or articles to article directories with including a link back to your web site. This is the easiest possible way to boost your rankings and best of all it’s free.Just a quick point on blogging about an online personality. If you are going to talk about someone who makes their living online… BE POSITIVE! Remember when your mama told you, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” Well take her advice and take the higher road when blogging! Tearing someone else down while trying to build your own web traffic, just doesn’t feel right.

Why is website traffic ranking essential, you may ask. In truth, this is one silly question as everyone who is involved in maintaining a website or running an online business truly knows that the greatest goal towards success is to be with the highest web site traffic ranking as possible.

The reality is that in the small business world, they won’t! When people are searching locally for services they are not interested in fancy graphics and company branding. What they want is someone who can provide the service they need in the timescale then need to the standards they require at a price they can afford to pay. So these are the details they want to find on your site.

Your web site should include some flash animations, pictures (people like to see what they are getting) or video presentations. This way you’ll have more chances that visitor will actually purchase something from you.

Boost your ranking on search engines with fresh, quality and relevant content. Thanks to many different SEO tools online you can build your web sites easy and fully optimized so the search engines or their spider after checking the unique content, keywords and structure (and if you succeed with your SEO ) almost always get you on the first page. So building web sites in SEO friendly mode isn’t that hard when you learn some basic facts.

Sign up for Google’s webmasters Tools. Google has fantastic tools at you or your developer’s disposal such as what keywords searchers are using to get to your site, who is visiting what pages, setting up a site map, a robots.txt file to name a few, all of which will bring your web site up and rank.

As an example let’s take a look at two industry web sites. The first company, Company A, has a web site that contains high end graphics; fancy action shots, and in there is a list of services that they provide and contact information. Company A web site cost to build was $10,000. The second company, Company B, has low end graphics – simple design, no fancy action shots, list of services with prices, and contact information. Company B web site cost to build was $2,000. Now which industry web site is getting more out of their web site? One would naturally think the fancy, high end brochure on the web, right? But that is not necessarily the case.

Whether you have designed a web site for yourself or hired someone to develop it, there must be Meta tags for a description and keywords for each page. I would also recommend that each title on a page represent what is on that page.

Web traffic rankings, in the simplest of sense, are the statistics specific companies and search engines formulate to determine which sites come first in the list of search results. You may know them as Google or Alexa page ranks. Normally, your site can be ranked from 1 to 10 or 1 to 5. The higher your ranking is, the better chances you have in showing up in the first page of the search results.

This last factor is speculative, but the larger the image, the better it will rank. Why? Because larger images have more pixels and will be of a higher quality than smaller ones which will appear more grainy. This works in the “providing the best user experience” as opposed to being a hard and fast SEO based rule as higher quality images are downloaded/shared more often and are preferred by people, so Google wants to serve only the highest quality/size images first and foremost in response to a search query.

The truth is that SEO is in such a state these days that the experts are being sent back to the boards and can hardly keep up with the changes. Changes to a secret and mystical practice by search spiders that keep secret algorithms and formulas to decide your search result fate.

You may have heard experts say before that traffic is one of the most important things you have to work hard for if you want to make money online. This is mostly because without it, you won’t get the visitors who can be your potential clients and customers. Not having these prospects is a bad thing for your venture, so you really have to take the measures that can help you generate the amount of traffic you need.

The search wars are heating up and it seems that Google and Bing are regularly introducing new features and they both find themselves competing with – of all things, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. Searches are now being channeled to associates, friends and family more frequently than to search engines. Pay attention because if you want to get found, although search engines are still critical, the importance of the social media properties is becoming more critical each passing day and with each new roll out of some search engine feature that negates the SEO work you had done to your site.Google has its own SERPs for images for any keyword, as well. If you click on the image tab in Google, you can search for any keyword to get images related to that search phrase. Clicking on the image takes you to the web page on which that image is shown, so this is another great way to increase website traffic.

But if you include alt tags, it could show text descriptions that can also be added onto HTML codes. The video will then be turned into a product that can be identified and read by search engines. You should be able to see a navigation bar near the very top or at the left side of your home page to help you go through the website. This area would still need improvement, however, and you would need to optimize the website. In general, ‘home’ refers to the website’s main homepage.

The old adage “if you build it, they will come” at one time applied to web sites right up until the internet bubble shattered into a million soapy shards. Now-a-days if the web site is used as a marketing tool (electronic brochure) and the objective of your web site is to produce sales, the site has to be different and stand out from other web sites – something that no one else has thought of and has brought to the web. That’s a very tough thing to do and will usually take a lot of hard work and maybe a venture capitalist or two to help with development costs of your latest and greatest widget. In today’s economy, the homeless are richer than most banks so to find a venture capitalist that will sink money into the web you better have more than just a what-if, if you build it, they will come (IYBI-TWC) rhetoric.

In reality, the traffic goes to the websites that get the top spots on the first page of search engines because that is where the people searching traditionally click. They don’t look as much on pages 2, 3, 5, 10, 100, etc. You must get on the first page of Google and other search engines to get traffic from there. Targeting a key word or phrase that hundreds or thousands of websites are already using will make it very hard to get there.

Try to build a web site that is easy to upload (don’t use to many graphics), include text that is easy to read and understand. Show your readers that you know what you are talking about (try to be a pro no mater what you do), include as much information’s as possible so your readers will get only useful info about the product you are promoting. Your writing should be spelled correctly and easy to understand.

What does this all mean to a small business owner who just wants to be found? This is just my opinion and I would love for others to chime in anytime here but my initial thoughts are to concentrate on Social Media. Hrrr humph you say? I can understand your pain. With SEO you can clean up your code, improve your website and maybe buy some PPC and sit back and wait for the traffic.

Don’t for example pay someone on to create 400 back links for you, using the same link text. Google and the other search engines notice these kinds of patterns and will penalize you heavily for it.

I cannot stress how important the title of a web page is. Failing to specify a descriptive, keyword optimized title will do untold damage to your ranking with the search engines. It is the equivalent to owning a shop and boarding up its windows. Ideally each page on your site should have a unique, content-specific title.

If you were less than pleased with your current website or your current hosting company or web designer, then you need to make some changes. If your business matters, then your web site matters. If you want to make people stand up and take notice of you or your business, then you owe it to yourself to have a web site that offers you the best of everything.

Another factor in where your site ranks in the search engines is the number of other sites that link to your site. The more inbound links you can get pointing to your web pages the better they will rank. Search engine optimization (SEO) specialists have tools and methods for getting links to web sites, and as such you should really consider hiring an SEO expert to get visitors to your site.

There are also a lot of free tools available as well. One good keyword research tool is the Google Keyword Tool. If you type “Google Keyword Tool” into the search box of Google, you will be able to find it to enter the terms that you want to research. This tool is great because it will show you the number of global searches per month, as well as the number of local searches per month. But not only that, you’ll also be able to see how competitive those terms are, because it actually tells you if you have high competition, low competition or medium competition. This allows you to gauge how easily or how hard it may be to penetrate a market using that keyword term.

Traffic to your site will be reduced now that peekers won’t have to visit if they aren’t sure and with reduced traffic your value to Google will decrease as well. So your hope for high search results is now being challenged even further.

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