Tips And Tricks On Using AngularJS With

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running single-page applications. If you have a very long digest cycle and a very short interval, your application can quickly lock up. Even if the interval is longer and your digest cycle is quicker, the app is actively triggering digest cycles without any user interaction and may cause lag.

Sometimes we need to see what the scopes look like on the page to effectively debug our app. Tools like Batarang and Protractor rely on the data about binding and scopes that AngularJS attaches to DOM elements. AngularJS was designed to be as user-friendly as possible, so its tools are fairly intuitive.

The scaffold of the application is different in many ways to the angular-seed scaffold, but it is important to note that they both use Karma and Jasmine in the same ways. As you can see the name of the directive is camelCased (myCustomElement) whereas the html element is hyphen-separated ( ). This is an angular convention for directive naming.

It simplifies both the development and the testing by providing a framework for client-side Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectures. Angular provides all of the plumbing necessary to create high quality, highly maintainable NativeScript apps.

When you bind a value to an element in Angular using ng-model, ng-repeat, etc., Angular creates a $watch on that value. By unbinding translation value, we increase application performance. You may have heard of the Model-View-Controller paradigm from previous programming experience in other languages.

If you have automated tests passing through your whole application, you will quickly see if there are any exceptions related to incorrect dependency injection and you will be able to fix them improving the performance of your application. Controllers are the middleman between the Model and the View, they drive the Model and View changes.

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