7 Pros and 7 Cons of Audiobooks

I just finished my first audiobook. And it was an expertise price sharing:

I had been reading reviews and weblog posts and tweets about Seth Godin’s newest book, Linchpin. Went to a few bookshops on my option to work/dwelling; it wasn’t available. So I went to Amazon.com to order one. I was at Amazon after a long time, and was surprised to see the options available: Kindle (ebook download), hardcover, paperback, audio CD and audio download. Audio download seemed like the fastest option so I checked it out. It took me to Audible.com – an Amazon firm, extreme ownership synopsis where an audio download was being offered for just USD7.forty nine with a new membership! I signed up, paid the cash, downloaded the book, and started listening to it right away! The advantages:

1. It’s fast. I was listening to the book after just a few clicks in few minutes.

2. It is cheap. Book versions were USD13-25.

3. It is convenient. I copied the file to my iPhone to listen throughout my commute to and from work.

4. It is safe. A copy every on my laptop, iPhone and backup is prone to last (damage-free) so long as I wish.

5. It takes no space. So less clutter. No worries about whether to keep, unload, recycle or give-away.

6. It’s setting-friendly. No paper, ink, chemicals.

7. It’s comfortable. For someone who spends a number of time in front of computers or books, this is an effective break for the eyes. You’ll be able to listen while standing, walking or lying down.

And the disadvantages:

1. You need expertise – pc, Internet access, purposes like iTunes, and energy provide

2. You need a handheld device to maximize the use of audiobooks – iPhone, iPod or some other MP3 player

3. You want a credit card for online buy

4. You can’t share. I really like gifting away my books to somebody who would possibly enjoy/benefit. Most audiobooks cannot be shared on multiple computer systems/accounts.

5. You can’t refer as easily. I wish to go back to particular passages in my favorite books for inspiration/data/sharing. In audiobooks, you can quick-forward to chapters nevertheless it’s tough to go to the precise passage you are looking for.

6. You possibly can lose it simply – unless you have a very good backup system.

7. You turn out to be anti-social. Your chances of interesting conversations with strangers vastly diminish if you go round with headphones in your ears.

On balance, I think it relies on your life-style, circumstances and even the kind of book you need to read. Please take a few minutes to share your views via comments: Have you ever tried an audiobook? If not, will you? What different pros and cons can you think of?

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