Feeling Like Being Sober Sucks? 12 Tips for Feeling Better

If you or a loved one are considering sobriety, you may wonder what it looks like and how to get there. Sobriety can be a particularly challenging pursuit for someone with an addiction like alcohol use disorder. Remember and use your tools that you have already used to win over these feelings. If you are contemplating that https://ecosoberhouse.com/, try and focus on the reasons that you became sober in the first place.

  • Old habits may include other addictive behaviors or self-destructive actions.
  • It means continually checking in with yourself, continually reaching out to new people who may have ideas you haven’t tried before, and continually asking questions that will help you improve your life.
  • Learning to love being sober isn’t going to happen over night.
  • You might get a chance to really get to know your kids or reconnect with your parents.
  • I can share my music with a stranger, I can sell my products to customers, I can make businesses successful online.
  • There are a lot of people who are forced into sobriety.

When we are going through recovery, the question of if being sober sucks is quite a common thought, and it is quite a dangerous thought. Finding ways to relax after a hard days work WITHOUT reaching for the bottle? What type of void are we creating by leaving behind something that has been a long-standing part of our lives .

The concept that ‘being sober sucks‘, is a NORMAL process along the road to recovery.

Also, since you earned that money, no one will be able to tell you what to do with it. Beyond that, your time will be freed up; instead of always using or trying to obtain drugs, you’ll be able to find things that you truly enjoy and that have meaning. Sobriety is not an easy or quick fix to life’s problems. For many, it’s a lifelong process of unlearning coping mechanisms that revolve around substances like alcohol or cannabis, and it’s also a process of relearning how to live life sober and stay sober. So if you love someone with an unhealthy relationship with substances, please practice patience with their journey and remind them that you’re there for support.

  • The saying goes that your worst day in sobriety is better than your best day in addiction.
  • Even if you don’t have a strong support network right away, this is something you can seek out to help support your goals.
  • So it may take some time before you truly feel content in your new life.
  • When you’re in active addiction, what counts as “fun” is a cheap imitation of what your life really could be—rich, joy-filled, and free.

Everyone faces difficult situations, ranging from getting a rough night’s sleep to dealing with a death in the family or an unexpected divorce. Choose to recognize that the choices you make directly impact your experience. Instead of isolating and giving into feeling bad, reach out and connect with others who might be going through the same thing. Go to a 12-step meeting, find a sober group online, or call a sober friend who understands.

I hate being sober, how do people like it?

Breathwork, meditation, and yoga are all some ways you can work on your emotional regulation outside of a healthcare provider’s office. Triggers for drug and alcohol use are typically defined as people, places, and things that remind you of your addictive behavior or encourage the use of substances you’re trying to avoid. They don’t have to be direct triggers, like someone offering you the substance. It may take time to adjust, I used drugs for 6 years. Learning to love being sober isn’t going to happen over night. If you try your best and are patient, with time, sobriety will be something you’re grateful for.

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