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On July 28, 1975 the Post renamed itself the Carl Owen Post 117. The Alvin T. Larson Post 116 received its national organizational charter on December 23, 1919. The Johnson-Melary Post 115 received its national organizational charter on December 23, 1919. Mervin J. Armstrong was born at Hannaford, North Dakota on October 28, 1897. He enlisted in the North Dakota National Guard at Fargo on July 4, 1917 and was called into federal service on July 15, 1917.

The post at Findley has been very active through the years with its many programs and activities, also providing good support for community projects. Special programs have been presented on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, the latter of which in earlier years was known as Armistice Day. The post members have taken part in many parades in neighboring towns as well as at home and also at department conventions. After World War II, the servicemen saw the need of a new community building and spearheaded the effort.

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This letter went on to ask Adjutant Bush to provide the contact information of veterans in the area in order for Department Headquarters to contact them and encourage them to join the Post. The Post disbanded and its charter was cancelled on October 8, 1950. The Gene Wright Post 203, initially the Warwick Post 203, received its national organizational charter on February 3, 1921. Shortly thereafter, the Post disbanded and its charter was cancelled on October 8, 1950. The South West Cavalier Count Post 130 received its national organizational charter January 6, 1920. In his letter he noted the Post’s membership had dropped from 23 to 10 Legionnaires and the minimum number to maintain a Post is 15 Legionnaires by May 30th. Shortly thereafter, the Post disbanded and its charter was cancelled on June 15, 1925. Tile ladies took over poppy sales in 1924 and helped with annual Memorial Day arrangements. Memorial Day is observed much in the same manner today, although now the program is held in the Community Hall in the morning with dinner following for the public.

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1980s- 140 members, an all-time high, second longest record in the department; eight WW I vets in the post. John Popp was awarded a certificate from the post for his contribution to the community’s youth programs. The state Legion Band received our donation and we honored our two former POW’s. Average attendance at post meetings is 20; a new post home was purchased; 120 attended birthday dinner; 1987 Youth Citation Award; pancake feeds, home mortgage paid off. Post 62 rented the Woodsmen Lodge Hall in Walhalla for their meetings from 1919 to 1926 when the membership decided to build a post home. This building was 40′ x 80′ and was enclosed, but never completed on the Installment Loans Halliday North Dakota inside. The Walhalla School did not have an auditorium at the time, so the then annual Baccalaureate Service and Graduation exercises were held in The American Legion building, as well as school proms and dances. The post was instrumental in getting an Emmons County service officer appointed on a steady basis. The post has sponsored Veterans Day programs and functions and has an annual Memorial Day program, which has been rated as one of the top programs in the state. The post also assists at the time of the death of a veteran, participates in military funerals, and supports adequate legislation for the benefit of veterans, both on the state and national levels.

The post owned and members operated portable carnival equipment, including a merry-go-round, Ferris wheel and a cotton candy machine that was set up in the Minto Park. Profits from the carnival also were tallied from visits to neighboring cities. The first meetings were held in the upstairs of the Stanisewski building and later in the John Slominski drug-store. In the early 1950s, the post bought the Modern Woodmen of America building, which was built by the W.P.A. in the 1930s.

Installment Loans Halliday North Dakota

He was inducted at Grand Forks, North Dakota on April 29, 1918 and served overseas from June 20, 1918 until he was killed in action on November 7, 1918. He was initially buried in France but reburied at Neche, North Dakota. Lawrence E. Higbee was born at Smithland, Iowa on July 3, 1895. He was inducted at Mandan, North Dakota on April 29, 1918 and served overseas from June 20, 1918 until he was killed in action on September 12, 1918. He was initially buried in France but his remains were later reburied at the Arlington National Cemetery on August 1, 1921. Edwin Clarence Qually was born at Renville, Minnesota on September 4, 1889. He was inducted at Grafton, North Dakota on May 27, 1918 and served overseas August 31, 1918 until he was killed in action on October 24, 1918.

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The post provides a firing squad and honor guard at the funerals of those who served their country. One of the most notable teams to play in New England was the Fargo Legion team around 1950 when Roger Maris was one of the players. The post and its Auxiliary jointly participate in Memorial Day ceremonies to honor those who gave their lives in service and to remember those veterans who have passed away. Girls State has been a big project, sending delegates for 47 years.

The Charley Beck Post had the only ceremonial rifles among area posts for years, so its squad traveled to several towns for funerals and Memorial Day. The Pheifle Post 285 received its national organizational charter on October 13, 1948. Shortly thereafter, Post 285 disbanded, its charter cancelled on August 20, 1972, and the remaining Legionnaires transferred to the Ashley Post. The building served the post well for all its meetings and many fundraising activities. It also has been used as a good meeting place for many community organizations. Over the years Post 276 has sponsored benefit functions to aid local veterans who lost their homes by fire and to help needy families of area veteran patients in the VA Hospital. In 1986, we built a 12’x l6′ cook shed on the south side of the Legion building. The one held in the middle of August is our corn and steak feed. The other is scheduled in October, on the first Saturday of the duck and goose hunting season. Meetings were held first in the old show hall, where the Legion ran two shows a week.

Locally, Leo Gray was serving in his 35th year as Post 88 adjutant when he passed away in the spring of 1989. Eberhard Post 88 reached a new milestone in April 1973 with its first member being elected 10th District Commander-Leo Gray, who led the post to a new all-time high membership of 137. In February 1929, post members authorized the commander to buy a railroad boxcar to become a meeting place. The price was not to exceed $50, including moving it onto a base of railroad ties. Also receiving high priority on Post 87’s annual sponsorship list are the Memorial Day program and sending boys and girls to North Dakota Boys State and North Dakota Girls State.

He was buried at the Jefferson National Barracks Cemetery at St. Louis, Missouri. He was buried at the St. Jerome Catholic Cemetery at Fort Totten. The Manvel Legion Post 299 and Auxiliary have served their community with distinction and honor over the years. Gladwin L. Roberts was born at Ryder, North Dakota on June 18, 1924. He served in the European-African-Middle East theatre of operations. He was buried at the Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minnesota. They also were the North Dakota contingent in the parade that day.

Installment Loans Halliday North Dakota

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He was initially buried in France but his remains were returned to the United States on October 10, 1921 and he was then buried at Kensal, North Dakota. On March 15, 1994, the post received a Diamond Jubilee Certificate of Recognition for 75 years of continuous service, operating as a post of our country’s greatest veterans’ organization. Roy Martinus Clementsen was born at Cushing, Wisconsin on September 26, 1895. He was inducted into the United States Army on April 29, 1918 at Bowbells, North Dakota. He served overseas from June 20, 1918 until he was killed in action on September 17, 1918. His remains were returned to the United States on May 13, 1922 and he is buried in Grandview Cemetery, Burbank, California. On Veterans Day, a program is held at Elm Crest Manor to honor the veterans and families of veterans. In January 1927, the post started holding its meetings in the city, auditorium.

The Legion quarters were filled to the doors with the largest attendance in the history of the post with one exception. Delegations were present from Halliday, Werner, Dunn Center, Manning, Whetstone and Grassy Butte. Membership in tile post increased rapidly following its organization. Dodge, Halliday, Marshall, Ridgeway, Werner, Dunn Center, Killdeer, Oakdale, Manning, Fayette, Whetstone and Grassy Butte were well represented on the post roster. On August 21, 1919, an application for charter was completed and sent in to the state office. The name of Ezra Barrows was selected since he was the second man from Dunn County to give his life for his country. The first Dunn County man who died in action was Matthew Brew, member of Company K 164th Infantry, North Dakota National Guard.

Department Commander Earnest N. Schmit of Beach gave the dedicatory address. Early in 1920, The American Legion Auxiliary was organized and is still active in the community. On Oct. 11, 1919, two delegates – Curtis Sampson and M.S. Lee – were elected to attend the state convention October at Bismarck. A committee was selected to plan the entertainment during the winter months. As of October 1, 1919, membership in the post was 57, of which 31 were charter members. On November 1, 1965, the Legion voted to establish ambulance service; First aid training was initiated to train crews for this service. The first ambulance was a 1957 Dodge priced at $265 from war surplus. The American Legion continued to operate this service until 1994, when the Killdeer Area Ambulance Service took over. The January 1992 meeting of Ezra Barrows Post 46 of Killdeer was one of the most successful in its history.

  • Unlike your typical loan, North Dakota online installment loans carry a considerable amount of risk for the lender.
  • The post was organized too late in the year to hold memorial services on Decoration Day.
  • The first annual soldiers’ reunion was sponsored by the City of Killdeer on May 30, 1919.
  • He served overseas from April 29, 1918 until he died on October 12, 1918 from wounds received in action.

In the following year, the Streeter Legion and Auxiliary became co-sponsors of this activity, and that partnership has grown into an annual top-flight event on the community calendar. The early-November supper, feeding approximately 1,800, generates funds for the Sponsoring organizations to better serve the community. We have donated to the Streeter Sidewalk Fund, helped purchase new Christmas lights for Main Street and bought new tables and chairs for the Memorial Hall. In recent years, we annually visit the North Dakota Veterans Home at Lisbon, call bingo, supply prizes, help serve lunch and extend fellowship in personal visitation with residents at the state veterans’ home. After lots of effort, a club room was established in June 1948 in the basement of Stollers Bar and rules for the club were set up. For the 4th of July 1949 celebration, raffle tickets were sold for $1 each for a chance to win a 1949 Hudson 8. Profits were earmarked to start construction of a town hall. The American Legion rented, finished and furnished the balcony room for its meetings. That first organizational meeting of the Legion was held in the office of the Banner Oil building, which had been converted into a recreational room in the late 1930s.

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William Perry Makee was born at Portal, North Dakota on May 1, 1897. He enlisted in the North Dakota National Guard on October 1, 1917 and served overseas in France from December 15, 1917 until he was killed in action on September 26, 1918. He was initially buried in France and later interred at Kenmare, North Dakota. He also served with the North Dakota National Guard from April 10, 1914 to February 14, 1917 during the Mexican border war. Some other youth programs the post supports are Eighth Grade Scholastic Award; Free Throw percentage trophies for boys and girls basketball, oratorical contest, drug safety and Get-Out-and-Vote contest. In August 1920, 38 veterans of World War I held membership in Post 66. Following World War II, the post reached its all-time high enrollment of 252 members in 1946, before the new post at nearby Regent was organized. Current officers are Linda Simmons, president; Rosemary Moses, vice-president; Paulette Rasmussen, treasurer, and Diane Liuska, secretary.

The proposal was brought before the post to purchase lots 8, 9 and 10 on Main Street and build a basement building. The cost of the lots were $31.21 each, the amount due to the county treasurer for back taxes. A percentage of the money was placed in the building fund. Definite plans for a 40×40 foot basement were made at the April 21, 1949 meeting, when Erndt Bambusch moved that we begin building as soon as possible.

Guy Van Middlesworth was the first WW II veteran elected commander at a special post meeting in 1947. A Legion Club board was elected in 1945 when the club was established. Bylaws were drawn up to help govern post activities and the club. When Japan surrendered September 2, 1945, ending World War II, the post joined with the community in welcoming many veterans returning home upon being discharged from the armed forces. Boys State and Sons of The American Legion were great programs launched at the national level in the 1930s. Tom Roney of Oakes was the first boy sponsored to the initial 1938 North Dakota Boys State, held in Wahpeton.

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