Is Viagra Really Worth the Side Effects

So you just had perhaps the best sex of your life but you are now blind, deaf, and possibly even dead was that great sex worth those potential side effects? Yes, Im talking about Viagra. By now, almost everyone has heard of Viagra and what it can do to help out your sex life, but very few times are we made aware of how potentially dangerous it is. Is there any way you can reduce the chances of these side-effects? Are there any other options? You will learn all of this in the in-depth look at Viagra from the real perspective, not the advertising one.

First of all, you can overdose and die from Viagra. It is not an herb that your body will just extricate when it has enough of it. If you take too much Viagra you will cause a heart attack or a stroke and no amount of CPR or other medical aid can save you from this one. This is especially the case if you like to experiment with illegal drugs like ecstasy. There is an alarming new creation that is unfortunately gaining popularity called sextasy, which is a mixture of ecstasy with Viagra to make perhaps one of the most lethal illegal drugs.

Although Viagra carries with it the risk of the standard side effects including headache, flushing, upset stomach, indigestion and nasal congestion the ones that really stand out are the ones affecting our five basic senses. Vision loss is the most concerning and is not that rare of a side effect. It is perhaps one of the most common. Vision loss from Viagra can sometimes be an annoyance such as temporary impaired vision, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, or even have everything become tinted blue; sometimes however it can become more serious. In 2005 the FDA found that Viagra can lead to permanent vision loss and required all sildenafil, Viagras active ingredient, manufacturers to create more clear warning on the medicine packaging to include this serious side effect. Yes, you can go blind from taking Viagra; this will usually happen after you wake up in the morning, you will notice likely just one of the eyes going blind with the possibility of the second going blind later.

So if going blind isnt concerning enough, you can also suddenly lose your hearing as well. The big problem with this is that normally when you start having vision problems or hearing problems, it is accompanied by some pain, thereby giving you a chance to go to a doctor and perhaps fix the problem. With Viagra, these side effects appear suddenly, no pain, just total loss of hearing. When you hear of people going blind, you hear how their other senses become much more alert to compensate for the loss of eye sight, but what if you lost both your hearing and your eye sight? What kind of quality of life can you expect to have?

So we got through the bad side effects, right? Wrong! If losing your eyesight wasnt bad enough and going deaf still doesnt scare you, how about the fact that Viagra can cause heart attacks and strokes, EVEN if you take the correct dosage? You read that right, heart attack or stroke even if you take the correct dosage. Priapism is another nice addition to potential side effects. Priapism is when your erection lasts longer than four hours and can potentially cause your penis to become permanently dysfunctional if not treated fast enough.

So lets finish this list of the other potential side effects before moving on to what you can do to reduce the chances of these side effects and even some alternative ways of treating erectile dysfunction. So on top of the previous stated side effects you can also look forward to the possibility of severe high blood pressure, eye pressure which can be very painful, and an irregular heartbeat.

So now that you are here you might be wondering as to how in the world did something this horrible ever get approved by the FDA. Well the truth of the matter is that Viagra is a prescription only drug and your doctor is supposed to check you out before prescribing these pills to you, however too many times people will order the pills from the Internet usually filling out a very simple questionnaire that would not cover many of these side effects. If you get your Viagra from any other source except through your physician you risk these side effects. The issue with getting them through your physician is a hefty price tag, which usually runs about forty dollars per dose. This can quickly turn into a very expensive ordeal.

So can you do anything to avert some of these problems? Having great health is the first way to do it although is something of an irony because most people who need Viagra are actually the ones who already have health issues and if their health issues got corrected they wouldnt need the Viagra in the first place. Really the only safe option is to skip the Viagra and look for natural alternatives that will stimulate your sexual health without the risk of side effects. The easiest way is to find a trustworthy formulated product which usually includes most of the sexual health herbs or you can go down to your local drug store, buy viagra online individual herbs and begin adding them to your diet. This tends to be a less expensive option if you choose to add only a few of the male enhancement herbs. The ones we recommend that you definitely add to your diet are Epimedium, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, and Hawthorn berry. You can find out more about these male enhancement herbs by searching for Wikipenis in your favorite search engine.
Whether Viagra is really worth taking despite the potential side effects remains a personal choice, but considering the potential side effects, it is worth the effort to look into other options. To me it is a difficult choice, but I do not think that living my life deaf and blind is an option that Id accept easily.

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