Decreased Sperm Count along with Low Sperm Quality – Proven Effective Remedies

Semen Count: Of the countless sperm ejaculated, just aproximatelly 200 manage to attain the egg (ovum) in the woman’s fallopian tube and just one actually impregnates the egg. Low sperm count in addition known as oligospermia happens when sperm count is less than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Aside from sperm count, sperm quality as well as mobility are every bit as essential in male enhancement supplement (More hints) fertility.

semenax reviewSemen Count:

Sperm Quality: In order for conception to take place, a minimum of 60 % of the sperm must be of a typical morphology (shape as well as structure). Typical sperm provide an oval head and a longer tail. Sperm with misshapen heads or perhaps curled tails or double tails have a lower potential for fertilizing the egg.

Semen Quality:

Sperm Motility: The sperm’s tail propels it ahead. Sperm should have the power to move and swim in order to reach the egg. The probabilities of fertilization are higher if at least fifty % of the sperm have motility (forward movement).

Semen Motility:

Causes of Low Sperm Count and Quality

Causes of Low Sperm Count and Quality


Heating exposure


Alcohol abuse



Recreational drugs

Ways to boost sperm count and quality

Speman is an organic Ayurvedic Remedy for infertility, and low sperm count quality

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