Dietary Supplements Can cause Liver Damage

Dietary supplements like vitamins, minerals, and herbal products are able to cause liver damage. I learned this the hard way.

When I was identified as having breast cancer and slated for a mastectomy, the pre-opt assessments of mine revealed my liver enzymes were over normal. Liver enzymes are a signal of the health of the liver.shark tank keto diet pills free trial In the event the liver is healthy, the liver enzymes reside in the cells of the liver. When the liver is injured or even harmful, the enzymes are released into the blood stream. Liver function tests-a certain type of blood tests-are employed to detect damage or liver disease. My liver function tests revealed my liver enzymes were three times over normal. And so high that the cancer surgery of mine was recorded on hold to run more tests to try to figure out the main cause. The tests were inconclusive. Even though the doctors of mine were worried about the liver, I had no choice but in order to have the mastectomy. Follow up cancer therapy was not advised because of the unhealthy liver of mine. For the following season, I had taken a liver function test each and every three months. The outcome was generally the same: liver enzymes 3 times over normal.

During this year after surgery, I did extensive researching on the liver.shark tank keto diet pills free trial I used myself as a guinea pig and publish my research to the test. I stopped all mineral and vitamin supplements. After six months, I returned to the doctor of mine for blood tests. The results: my liver enzymes were normal, the overall cholesterol of mine dropped 40 points, my “good” cholesterol rose 40 points, possibly my “bad” cholesterol dropped a number of points.

Dietary supplements do more harm than good.shark tank keto diet pills free trial The product industry a twenty billion dollar-a-year industry doesn’t have regulation by the meals and Drug Administration. A large number of supplements are manufactured in China where quality control is a problem.

Organic products as ginkgo bibola is able to react with ibuprofen (Motrin), Lipokinetix, a weight loss supplement is able to cause internal bleeding, kava, Jin Bu Huan, germander, chaparral, shark tank keto fast pills reviews (visit the up coming site) cartilage, mistletoe, and, yes, artificial vitamins as well as nutrients are able to result in serious harm to the liver. Unless the doctor of yours prescribes a product, don’t take any supplement.


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