The Silent Killer! (High Blood Pressure)

The very first time I noticed I had a large blood pressure issue, was when I needed my physical exam. to go into the U.S. Air Force in 1965. The blood pressure of mine was too much being admitted. It was during the Viet Nam war, and anyone entering the military during this time was anxious, nervous and apprehensive, which was understandable.

What the Air Force individuals did, was to take me to a room in the backside of the clinic, and they told me to lie down and take a nap…and after the catnap, they will look at the blood pressure level once again. When I woke up, they examined my blood pressure level again, and this time it had been appropriate and I was admitted.

High blood pressure has been a life-long difficulty in my opinion, so much so, I’ve never ever been equipped to offer blood. I have had a history of struggling with headaches, nose bleeds and hypertension. And, I know how it all began. It all took place, when I was 11 years of age, and me and my family went to a picnic in the mountains sponsored by the organization in which the father of mine worked. It was at the picnic where by I’d an accident, which did damage on the neck and also upper spine region, as well as the injury was never fixed! The evil father of mine had good healthcare insurance with General Electric, but never took me to obtain a check up, despite pleading with him!

bp zoneI create a book, on the personal battle of mine with high blood pressure and headaches, but for the purpose of the very short article, I will ensure that it stays brief, along with only point out the high-lights and low-lights of the battle of mine with high blood pressure.

One particular Saturday morning, I was functioning close to the home, and I noticed I was getting a cool and had flu-like symptoms for a few many days. I didn’t want to obtain the flu (or maybe worse), and I’d an HMO in the time, so I went right down to the clinic to get checked out. If the doctor noticed the blood pressure reading of mine, he asked me, “Did you run down here this morning? Your blood pressure level is substantially too high!”

A normal blood pressure is about 120/80, and the doctor raised the white flag, when he saw the blood pressure of mine at 180/120! He told me we’d to get the blood pressure level down right away, before I had a heart attack! He wrote out a prescription in my view, and he wanted me to come back the next day (Sunday) and that he will stay in the office from 1 5…so the fight was on!

This was in the early 1990’s, and at that time, veteran’s could only get treatment in the VA Medical Center, if it was service-connected. This was the time, when I lost my very first job, thus the HMO went with it. Lucky in my opinion, the guidelines changed at the VA, and I could now get treatment in the VA, to obtain this issue looked after.

Without taking prescription medication for the blood pressure, each time a nurse or perhaps physician takes my blood pressure, a red flag would go up! For the subsequent five years, I went to the VA Medical Center to get the blood pressure of mine checked twice a month. I also bought one of those little machines to check my blood pressure at home, also. Over a five year period, we went through learn more about the Best Blood Pressure Pills 10 various medications during that long time period. Whenever the dosage was increased…side-effects set in, and we would have to start over again. Needless to say, all of this was extremely frustrating for me!

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