Non-Drug Blood Pressure – Worth a shot!

High blood pressure is the most common circulatory illness among adults today; it can cause organ harm and lead to heart attack or a stroke. Over 60 million Americans have high blood pressure (also called hypertension). A regular blood pressure reading for an adult is 120 (systolic)/80 (diastolic. Systolic strain designates the stress throughout the brief period while the center is contracting as well as causing Total Blood Support into the arteries under a temporarily increased pressure. Diastolic pressure indicates the cheaper pressure that is present during the very long resting phase in between each of the heart’s contractions. Approximately 85 % of high blood pressure patients are in the borderline to average range. These cases are more than likely to be brought under control with non drug therapies like diet & relaxation therapies.

Around ten billion dollars a year are allocated to blood pressure medications. There is rather a bit of skepticism about, and also articles against, these drugs due to increasing evidence indicating that current blood pressure prescribed drugs could be  causing much more harm than good. In some cases they are believed to have caused heart attacks or perhaps to have increased a person’s risk of working with a heart attack.

Therefore, unless the blood pressure readings of yours are exceptionally high, practically every medical authority recommends that non-drug therapies should be tried before switching to blood pressure lowering drugs. Factors that had been know to trigger, or increase, hypertension are:

best blood pressure supplementCoffee as well as other caffeinated beverages,


Absence of exercise,



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