Science and religion have usually been treated as oil and water–they do not mix. They do not mix as we have been led to believe that religion is a form of subjective basic belief whereas science is objective verifiable occurrence. In this post, I have developed a strategy to mix religion and science as well as to explain the concept of God has practical benefit only if we accept it as a part of us. A scientist might find hard to believe that some wise old man or girl sitting up in heaven is monitoring everything, but cannot refute the amazing consciousness and intelligence which is present in daily life, in nature, and in us. It’s a scientist which makes us spiritual.dịch vụ đặt đồ cúng

The questions about God, rebirth, heaven, dịch vụ đồ cúng quận 7 or hell, and also the relationship of theirs to realization, enlightenment, and spirituality, have occupied the head of ours for hundreds of years in a form or even another: What’s God? Does He/She really exist? Why is it that we search for God? Do religions truly believe in the same God? How come presently there religious wars? Can there be actually a spot like hell or heaven? That which was our previous life? What will be the future existence of ours? Do you have really such a thing as future life or past life?

Religions as well as prophets have been preaching about Heaven, hell, and God for centuries, and numerous folks have cultivated confidence in these phenomena. The revolution of technology and science in this century has forced a lot of us to reevaluate the doctrines and tenets of our faith. Might we have confidence in creation or should we have confidence in evolution? Should we have confidence in heaven as well as God’s court of justice whenever we look up in the sky, or should we have faith in the area, the planets, and also the galaxies up there? I am hoping this information gives an unique insight into the mysteries about God, hell, heaven, along with rebirth–and leave us wiser, peaceful, and enlightened.dịch vụ cúng nhà mới

What is God?

The philosophy of religion or perhaps the institute of God is the human’s greatest discovery. God is not an actual object. It is a state of mind. God is the Electromagnetic pulse of energy that gives lives as well as life within all. What we call our conscious/soul is part of God inside us. That’s exactly why religious scriptures as well as great prophets declare God is everywhere (omnipresent). Whenever, wherever, the mind of ours and soul is with us, God is there; and also the saying goes “God resides in the hearts- -not of ours of temples, mosques, or churches. Bernie Siegel (author of Love, Medicine & Miracles) says same issue, “God resides in every one of us.” Simply put, God is a spirit that is present in each and every person. The wealthy, the Buddhist, the Sikh, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Jew, the Christian, the Westerner, the Easterner, the sage, the sinner, the atheist, the religious, the subject, the king, the poor, plus on and on… This’s consistent with what the Christians preach: “We are opinions of God!” And ideas come from–the divine mind. Only people (Homo sapiens) of all the animal species are fortunate adequate to have a strong mind and experience the presence of spirit in the mind of theirs. The recognition of that spirit is what provides us spiritual living or perhaps realization of God. Completely illuminated human beings know God is present in the deepest & amp; most central part of the own soul of theirs. God is not outside the world. God will be the planet. So, philosophically, God is a State of Mind; Or maybe It is the brain of ours, that is God! or perhaps God is a spirit/conscious electricity that exists in each and every one of us! (lf you are confused, do not care! Browse on!!)

“God is not outside the world. God is in us. Live a Holy, Healthy, Happy Life.”

science and Religion-spirituality is able to come together. God is scientific. God is light. God is darkness. God is intelligent, loving energy. God is nature. God is in us. God is psychoneuroimmunology if we enjoy miracles of healing. God is all. Some of us may perhaps differentiate between spirituality and religion; religion could be a possessive and destructive force which doesn’t allow expansion of mind, while humility is a healing force with no rules connected to God’s love or perhaps God’s ability to support us. We should recall the true reason for a religion is spirituality; and we need to try to avoid names as well as definitions. God, for example, is one of the many names of the same divine force or universal energy.

For all those who feel confident with the name Creator or God, it is a divine word! It brings peace of mind. With prayer, we talk to God. With miracles, God responds. Science today explains miracles of healing through the mind body relationship. With prayer we awaken the spirit in the mind of ours, as well as the transformed-spiritual brain leads to hormonal and other chemical changes which ultimately may cause healing. As such, Creator or God is not a distinct entity, it is a part of us -present right in the mind of ours all of the time. God is in us every moment, in each and every circumstance. He/She is to our left as well as to our right, before us and right behind us, above us and beneath us. God watches all the act–criminal and noble–and each moment, whether we are by yourself possibly in a herd. We can’t deceive God (the personal mind/conscious) of ours by thinking nobody is watching us.

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