So how Does Consuming Probiotic Food Like Kefir Affect The Brain of mine?

to learn more please click hereThe Gut-Brain Connection

A number of days ago, the daughter of mine suffered from some abdominal problems. She’d lots of gas and poor appetite. She said, it was funny, because “when my stomach is unwell, the head of mine feels light headed too” I told her that it’s not a co incidence, as the gut health of ours is associated to our’ brain health’.

There’s a connection between our gut and brain. The gut is known as the next brain. Dr. Michael Gershon, a professor of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, in his book,’ The Second Brain’, wrote which entire gastrointestinal system will be the body’s secondly anxious system. “The brain isn’t the sole place within the body that is full of neurotransmitters,” says Dr. Gershon. “A 100 million neurotransmitters line the length of the gut, approximately the exact same quantity that is bought in the brain… ” If we add the nerve cells of the esophagus, stomach and large intestine, you can find out more by clicking here (look at this web-site) more nerve cells in the gut than generally there are in the entire rest of the peripheral nervous system. Just about any chemical that controls the brain in the head were identified in the gut, including hormones and neurotransmitters.

As a result, you can well imagine how important it is for us to keep a proper bowel system. Many Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease patients are constipated. Most of the time, we only think of conditions that are such as chiefly affecting the brain or even central nervous system although we must start paying attention for the gut.

Value of Good Bacteria

The importance of pro-biotics is well researched. Our microflora (a composition of bacteria, fungi, other microorganisms and viruses) make up 90 % of the genetic material of the body of ours. Around 100 trillion of beneficial bacterial cells populate our intestines as well as some other elements of the digestion system.

The composition of this microflora has a powerful impact on your health. Among others, it is found that our intestinal bacteria impact our:

· Genetic expression

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