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Official Collector asics onitsuka tiger stockists ireland Names – Compiled at Collectibles-Articles.comAll these names are found in at least one dictionary. There are other terms used by collectors that are common, but not yet recorded as ‘official’ by a dictionary. They are on the — List.Aerophilatelist [air-oh-fi-LAT-l-ist]-a student or asics ireland collector of airmail stamps, cancellations, asics asics shoes online ireland etc.-[Base Origin: aero- + philately]Arctophile [AHRK-tuh-fahyl]-a person who is very fond of and is usually a collector of teddy bears-[Base Origin: <Gk arkto-, comb. form of arktós bear + -phile]Audiophile [AW-dee-uh-fahyl]-a person who is especially interested in high-fidelity sound reproduction-[Base Origin: 1950'55; audio- + -phile]Bibliophile [BIB-lee-uh-fahyl, -fil], -ist [bib-lee-OF-uh-list]-a person who loves or collects books, esp. as examples of fine or unusual printing, binding, or the like-[Base Origin: 1815'25; biblio- + -phile]Conchologist [kong-KOL-uh-jist]-a collector and student of mollusk shells-[Base Origin: 1770'80; conch + -o- + -logy]Deltiologist [del-tee-OL-uh-jist]-a postcard collector; a person who collects postcards as a hobby-[Base Origin: 1945'50; <Gk deltí(on), dim. of déltos writing tablet + -o- + -logy]Discophile [DIS-kuh-fahyl]-a person who studies and collects phonograph records, esp. those of a rare or specialized nature-[Base Origin: 1935'40; disc + -o- + -phile]Ex-librist [eks LEE-brist]-a collector of ex-libris recordsex-libris [eks LEE-bris, LAHY-]-from the library of (a phrase inscribed in or on a book before the name of the owner): Ex libris Jane Doe.-an inscription in or on a book, to indicate the owner; bookplate.-[Base Origin: 1875'80; <L ex l+br+s out of the books (of), from the books (of)]Exonumist [ek-suh-NOO-mist, -NYOO-, EK-suh-noo-, -nyoo-]-a person who collects exonumia (items, as tokens or medals, that resemble money but are not intended to circulate as money)-[Origin: exonum(ia) + -ist]-[Base Origin: 1965'70; exo- + num(ismatic) + -ia]Iconophile[ahy-KON-uh-fahyl]-a connoisseur of icons or images.-[Base Origin: 1880'85; icono- + -phile]Lepidopterist [lep-i–DOP-tuh-rist]-the collecting of butterflies and moths-[Base Origin: 1895'1900; Lepidopter(a) + -o- + -logy]Numismatist [noo-MIZ-muh-tist, -MIS-, nyoo-]-a specialist in numismatics-a person who collects numismatic items, esp. coins-[Base Origin: 1790'1800; <L numismat- (s. of numisma) coin + -ist]Oenophile [EE-nuh-fahyl], -ist [ee-NOF-uh-list]-a person who enjoys wines, usually as a connoisseur.-[Base Origin: 1925'30; <F <Gk oÐn(os) wine + -o- -o- + F -phile -phile]Philatelist [fi-LAT-l-ist]-the collecting of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment-the study of postage stamps, revenue stamps, stamped envelopes, postmarks, postal cards, covers, and similar material relating to postal or fiscal history-[Base Origin: 1860'65; <F philatélie <Gk phil- phil- + atéleia freedom from charges (taken to mean recipient's freedom from delivery chargesby virtue of the stamp which sender affixed to the letter), lit., want of taxation, equiv. to a- a-6 + tél(os) tax + -eia -y3]Phillumenist [fi-LOO-muh-nist], [fi-LOO-muh-nist]-a collector of matchbooks and matchboxes-[Base Origin: 1940'45; phil- + L lkmen light + -ist]Pyrographer [pahy-ROG-ruh-fur]-one who burns designs on wood, leather, etc., with a heated tool-one who collects such items-[Base Origin: 1875'80, Americanism; pyro- + -graphy]Scripophile [SKRIP-uh-fahyl], -ist [skri-POF-uh-list]-a person who practices scripophily-[Base Origin: 1975'80; scrip + -o- + -phile]scrip [SKRIP]-a receipt, certificate, list, or similar brief piece of writing-a scrap of paper-Finance:–a certificate representing a fraction of a share of stock–a certificate to be exchanged for goods, as at a company store–a certificate indicating the right of the holder to receive payment later in the form of cash, goods, or land-paper currency in denominations of less than one dollar, formerly issuedin the United States-[Base Origin: 1610'20; earliest sense 'scrap of paper' perh. gradational var. of scrap; subsequent sense development shows influence of script and subscription, with def. 3a specifically a shortening of subscription receipt]Vecturist [VEK-chuh-rist]-a person who collects transportation tokens as a hobby-[Base Origin: <L vectkr(a) transport, money paid for transport, fare (vect(us) ptp. of vehere to convey + -kra -ure) + -ist]Vexillologist [vek-suh-LOL-uh-jist]-an expert in flags-[Base Origin: 1955'60; <L vexill(um) flag, vexillum + -o- + -logy]Xylographer [zahy-LOG-ruh-fur]-the art of engravings on wood, or of printing from such engravings-a collector of such items-[Base Origin: 1810'20; <F xylographie. See xylo-, -graphy]

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