Travelling To The Unknown Italy – The Romagna Subregion Of Emilia-Romagna

If you are planning to tour Europe, you definitely should consider the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy.This may be the only region of Italy that is named for Learn here a road, one constructed by the Ancient Romans almost 2200 years ago. This article describes in brief the Romagna subregion, its many tourist attractions, local food, and local wine. A companion article presents Emilia, the inland western “half” of the region.

find more informationOur Romagna tour follows the highway from east to west, going slightly southward along the way. Start by visiting Rocca Sforzesca (Sforza Castle) in the village of Dozza whose wine shop, Enoteco Regionale, has a great collection of local wines. Formula One auto racing fans will want to visit the town of Imola in mid-April. Other local attractions include shopping for fancy ceramics and eating at San Domenico’s, a world-class restaurant with a three thousand item wine list.

Pottery fanciers will enjoy the city of Faenza, a center for faience pottery since the Twelfth Century. Can you guess what is displayed at the Museo delle Ceramiche? If you’re the kind of person who likes spas be sure to visit the neighboring city of Bagno di Romagna with its hot springs.

Ravenna, north of the highway, was formerly the capital of the Roman Empire. Check out the Basilica di San Vitale (Church of Saint Vitale) with its famous mosaics. You might want to visit a historic mausoleum and the tomb of that great Italian poet Dante. For social media marketing calgary some reason Ravenna has several sites with historic mosaics.

Rimini situated on the Adriatic coast is a major European holiday destination, and social media marketing calgary is really crowded during the high season. Its Grand Hotel was featured in Fellini’s 1973 movie Amaracord.

Perhaps it is no accident that the founder of Italian cuisine Pellegrino Artusi was born here. See our companion article I Love Touring Italy – The Romagna Subregion for a sample menu and more information on Romagna wines as well as an in-depth examination of Romagna’s tourist attractions. It is the home of Albana di Romagna DOCG, Italy’s first white DOCG wine. The G stands for Garantita. While one can guess what that word is supposed to mean, many feel that this honor was far from deserved. I have yet to sample this particular wine, but from my readings I have no great desire to do so, except to set the matter straight.

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