The Internet Marketing Autopsy

josh macdonaldIntroduction


The “Death Of Internet Marketing” report was developed and distributed by Mike Filsaime a few of years back. This information was really written a couple of days after it had been released, but has been residing on my site until I pulled it off. Anyhow, DOIM was one of those reports which actually got lots of people talking. Yet, because of the manner in which it was marketed, I imagine it have a number of individuals planning on it, but not likely enough. Even this year, people are not doing what they need for the business of theirs, and I honestly don’t care if it is online or offline.

Effectively, Mike says “Internet Marketing Died”. And so here is Stuart Tan’s autopsy:

So… why don’t we just say I am going to do a post mortem after this article is out into the market. Yep – we are everything into forensics now, with numerous interesting metaphors such the “death of online marketing”.

The majority of people will have by now read Mike Filsaime’s “Death of Internet Marketing”, Rich Schefren’s “Internet Business Manifesto” etc, etc. In my opinion, the biggest issues haven’t been dealt with. Mike undoubtedly provides a fantastic exposition of that which was and Josh MacDonald what is to be.

Exactly why am I writing this? Simply because after looking at all of the emails arriving about Mike’s report, I came to the realization that:

Component #1 – Don’t be lazy!

Component #2 – Assess trends!

Component #3 – Credibility As Weaponry!

Component #4 – Forward Strategy!

Component #5 – polarity thinking… and The Stuart Slap!

The Evolution Of Marketing Strategies

“This Article Isn’t Meant to be able to Overwhelm You!”

Excuse #1 – They’re lazy

josh macdonaldExcuse #2 – They are not technical

Excuse #3 – I do not have adequate resources

The Newbie Phenomenon

1. Diving into the “internet marketing” niche.

2. Online marketing without’ affiliating’

3. UnCreativity – The Same-ol’ same-‘ol

Other issues In Internet Marketing

1. Quality of products: no requirements of assessment

2. Online marketer recognition

3. Entrepreneurial effectiveness


4. Process thinking

Marketing Style And Competence

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