The Cost of FREE is Not FREE

Everyone on the Internet has something to give you for FREE!

But in truth, the cost is not really FREE.

토토My ezine goes out to my subscribers for FREE, but I want

them to pay for it by telling others about it, helping me

get new subscribers, placing their ads with me, and

generally helping me develop a business that will support my

husband and myself.

All the FREE affiliate programs that are on the market, some

of which are good and some not so good, do require payment.

You have to market these programs, spending hours sometimes

on the web sending out announcements and ads.

There are probably thousands of FREE ebooks available to

people who want them. FREE? No. You have to download them,

either to your computer or a disk. Some are gifts for buying

other products. They cost something.

FREE articles for content are certainly not FREE. Someone

had to spend time researching, writing, and distributing

those articles.

These items may be FREE to you, but somewhere, someone had

to pay something for them – whether money, time, energy, or

thought – they were paid for by someone!

How much you do really appreciate something FREE? Do you

take care of it as well as something you had to buy? Do you

value that FREE item as much as the item that cost you a

distinct price? Are you willing to share that FREE gift? Do

you show your thanks for that FREE ebook by reading it and

using it? Do you delete that FREE ezine without looking

through all of it?

FREE is great! I personally love anything FREE, but I have

learned that somewhere that FREE item cost someone

something. It could have been me, so I want to appreciate it

and take care of it. If I download a FREE ebook, I read it.

I personally subscribe to a LOT of ezines, but I honestly do

try to read through them all.

We live in the land of the FREE, but many have paid a high

price to keep it that way. Enjoy the FREE things you get

every day. Remember to send a short thank you for them if

possible. Enjoy them! Use them! Share them! FREE is FUN!

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