
A website is an important business tool — and every business uses its site differently. Some use it to generate instant revenue through ecommerce sales while others utilize it to generate leads, telephone calls or physical location visits. There’s something that each business desires to accomplish with its website: leveraging it to create more growth. There are several ways to increase your leads, sales and revenue without buying a complete redesign and rebuild. Listed here are 10 hacks that you should consider trying — while simple, they can potentially help your business grow significantly. 1. Perform a conversion audit. Are you positive your website is made to convert traffic? The stark reality is, lots of web design companies are great at creating appealing websites, nevertheless they aren’t conversion rate experts. Having a full-blown conversion audit performed is well worth the little out-of-pocket expense. Related: 5 Tools to Help You Audit Your Web Content If you can identify problems and עיצוב אתר make changes to correct them prior to launching marketing campaigns it will reduce wasted advertising spend and offer you a stronger base to start with. You will be split testing and optimizing — starting with a good base will allow you to reach those desirable conversion numbers faster. 2. Use call tracking. If you should be using multiple traffic sources to generate telephone calls, it is a good idea to send each source to dedicated landing pages featuring unique phone numbers. By using call tracking you will be able to find out what sources produced the most telephone calls — and since your call tracking numbers will route directly to your main phone number there won’t be considered a disturbance in how your phone leads are handled. Most call tracking services will record every one of the calls, which will be great for determining whether lead quality or your sales staff needs to be addressed. 3. Identify where visitors are scrolling to and clicking. Once you know where your website visitors are and aren’t clicking it may help you to reposition your offers from dead zones to areas that attract clicks. A temperature map tool, such as for instance crazyegg, will not only demonstrate where in actuality the clicks are occurring but in addition what traffic/referral source is producing them. This tool also teaches you how far down your pages your visitors are scrolling. This lets you test multiple call-to-action locations and know for עיצוב אתרים certain those that are now being viewed and clicked on. You can’t simply throw a couple offers on your website and relax assuming the conversions will just roll in. Insight to where your visitors are viewing and where they are clicking provides you with strong data that can be used to actually convert more traffic. 4. Analyze your Google Analytics data. When do you know what traffic sources aren’t producing conversions and עיצוב אתרים what your traffic is doing prior to converting it lets you make significant changes. Imagine in the event that you were able to identify that nearly all your social media traffic didn’t convert? You may then allocate your social networking budget into the channels which were producing results. Imagine if you could actually identify that the majority of your conversions were engaging with your blog prior to converting? You can increase your content count and utilize distribution outlets such as for example Outbrain and עיצוב אתרים Taboola to attract even more traffic to your blog.

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