beauty salon

As a Beauty Salon owner your database is an asset worth its weight in gold. Consider the lifetime value of a client. How much does each of your clients spend on average per month, per year and over a lifetime? It costs anywhere from 5 to 8 times more to gain a new clients as opposed to retaining your clients. Therefore, it is obvious you need to place as strong emphasis on keeping existing clients. Keeping in touch with your clients and staying top of mind is important to gain repeat business. By sending email to your database you can send a lot more follow-up and repeat messages than you would otherwise with traditional advertising.

Email Marketing is a highly effective way to build loyalty and trust. It is an excellent and cost-effective medium to combine with your other marketing mediums.

The best email lists are those that contain the names of loyal repeat clients and interested prospects who know you and your salon well enough to recognize your emails.

Valuable Content

When people share their email address with you they expect to receive something valuable. Boring and repetitive emails will lead to low open rates.

Your aim is keep content relevant and valuable. You will need to keep your readers attention while you make an effort to influence new and repeat business.

Content just as with regular printed marketing material; needs to grab attention and be relevant.

Use catchy words that are personalized and hint to the content of your email. Your email subject line should be compelling and prompt the reader to open your email.

For example if the email is about a new skin care treatment, your header may read: New skin care treatment improves your skin immediately.

Emails containing valuable information based on your skin care knowledge and experience are generally more effective over time than email that constantly make offers and feature your salon, treatments and BALAYAGE products. Think of your content as an informative newsletter, rather than a sales letter.

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