Anal Hygiene For More Pleasurable Anal Sex
Whether it’s been an obsession since the discovery of your sexuality or something new you’ve been wanting to explore, anal sex is worth exploring for all genders and sexualities. Douches flush out your system, but since they also flush away protective mucosal lining, we don’t recommend douching less than 2 hours before anal sex. This is especially true if it’s the receiving partner’s first time, due to very small skin tears in the anus and rectum.
Despite anal sex being depicted in popular television shows like Girls, How to Get Away with Murder, and The Mindy Project, only about one-third of young men and women have ever had anal sex with an opposite-sex partner, according to the National Survey of Family Growth Notably, this proportion has increased steadily — over 3% from when the survey was first given in 2002.
Women were interviewed about how to prepare for anal sex and the decision on whether to enema or not to enema was split. The Clean Stream Deluxe Shower douche is one of the less complicated looking shower kits. Many people choose to use condoms on their partner’s penis or toys during anal sex for both hygiene and safety reasons.
Women should be particularly cautious of using oil based lubes for anal intercourse; they are generally thin and can trickle into the vagina sending rectal germs where it does not belong. Pardon our french but to answer that question, simply put, anal sex feels like pooping in a reverse motion.
We all want clean and safe anal sex while having fun. 61% feel more comfortable or ‘cleaner’ if they used an anal cleanser post-sex. First, I’m going to cover the ground rules of preparing for anal sex, which you absolutely can’t avoid, like staying clean and safe.