Loyle Carner Not Waving, But Drowning mp3 download


Loyle Carner Not Waving, But Drowning Digital album

Format: mp3, 320kbit/s

Premiere: April 19th 2019

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File size;: 313,6 MB

File format: Loyle Carner Not Waving, But Drowning zip file

Loyle Carner Not Waving, But Drowning mp3 songs list:

1. Dear Jean

2. Angel

3. Ice Water

4. Ottolenghi

5. You Don’t Know

6. Still

7. It’s Coming Home?

8. Desoleil (Brilliant Corners)

9. Loose Ends [feat. Jorja Smith]

10. Not Waving, But Drowning

11. Krispy

12. Sail Away Freestyle

13. Looking Back

14. Carluccio

15. Dear Ben


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