Buddha and Buddhism

Buddhism, a 2600 years old faith, is a religious tradition that specializes on a personal religious development and attainment of insight into true and deep which means of life. With over 376 thousands and thousands followers worldwide, Buddhism will not be centered on the relationship between humanity and god.

The followers of Buddhism, or the Buddhists as they are called, seek to succeed in the state of Nirvana, following the path of The Buddha, or the enlightened one, popularly often called Siddhartha Gautam Buddha or Gautam Buddha who went for the hunt of enlightenment round 6th century BC.

The Buddhist philosophy preaches that there isn’t any existence of god. Instead they focus on attaining the true nature of life. The Buddhists believe that nothing is permanent or fixed and that the change is inevitable truth of life. The Enlightenment will be achieved by the apply and development of morality, meditation and wisdom. The assumption of life’s finishless journey and in addition that it is perishable, unsure and suffering has been the essential teachings for the Buddhists all around the world. In addition they believe that the existence is finishless as the individual living soul can reincarnate over and over and experience various facets of life throughout many lives. On the contrary, life is impermanent because no state whether it’s good or bad, lasts forever. The chief cause of suffering is the consequence of the idea that things can last forever.

The Buddhism and its history is the result of one man’s quest for enlightenment by means of rigorous follow and meditation sitting in front of Buddha statues. His teachings helped lead the trail in the methods of dwelling for the followers of this religion. So who’s this man? Where did he come from? How did he achieve enlightenment and what made him observe the trail of meditation to be enlightened?

The Buddha

The Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautam, as he was known earlier than he bought enlightened, was a royal prince in modern day Nepal over 2600 years ago. Born and raised in the life of privilege and luxury, he was saved at bay from the life’s ultimate reality of suffering, pain and demise until the day when he left the palace and encountered for the first time, an old man, a sick man and a corpse. Upon learning the truth, the disturbed prince left all his physical belongings, even his wife and a new born son, to be a monk before adopting the cruel poverty of Indian astcetism. But, he acquired no satisfaction from both of the paths, therefore choosing “the Center Path” – a life with out luxury but in addition without poverty. Then finally, in the future, seated beneath a Bodhi tree, the previous prince grew to become deeply absorbed into meditation and reflected on his experience of the life he has had until then until he turned enlightened. By discovering the trail to enlightenment, Siddhartha, the prince, was led from the pain of struggling and rebirth towards the trail of enlightenment and became known as the Buddha or ‘woke up one’.

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